
There are many ways to practice speech at home! Below are some ideas to get started:

Practice in the car: Similar to the alphabet game, take turns saying words that begin with your target sound. You take turns going back and forth until someone is stumped and can’t think of another word.

Hopscotch: Create your own hopscotch game with speech words

Picture scavenger hunt: go through the house and take pictures of as many things as you can that start with your target sound. Practice saying each word you find.

Sand: bury items in your sandbox that have the target sound. When they find the objects have them say the word

Paper basketball: write each practice word on a piece of paper. Have your child practice each word. Then, crumple it up and try to toss the paper ball into the trash can!

Hide and seek: tape your practice words around the room, then turn off the lights. Have your child find the words with a flashlight! Have them say each word as they find them

Take a walk: As you walk around the neighborhood, name items with your target sound that you see!

I Spy: Take turns describing an object that you see around you. Choose an object with the target sound. Have your child guess the object by asking you questions.

Egg hunt: write target words on paper and put the paper into plastic eggs. Hide the eggs and send the child to find them! Practice each word as they find them.

Play “Guess what”: the parent describes the targeted words and the child guesses the word

Board Game: while playing a favorite board game, have your child say 10 target words on their turn

Picture collage: make a collage of words that contain your child’s target sound. Cut out pictures from magazines that have the target sound

Memory: make 2 sets of flash cards with pictures/words with your child’s target sound and play a matching game

Reading: Have your child read aloud – make sure they pronounce their target sound correctly!

20 Questions: each time they ask a questions, make sure they pronounce their target sound correctly

Play dough: Make your practice word out of play dough! Practice the word 10 times