


Interland Image  created by and is property of Google Inc.

Welcome to Mrs. Whittingham Digital Citizenship VFT (Virtual Field Trip) Here you can explore and learn about Digital Citizenship (How to be safe and smart online).  There are Four Areas to go on this VFT:

Remember to Share with Care

Be Careful Not to Fall for Fake

Your Secrets Should Be Secure

Being Kind is Cool

You may start anywhere.  Each area contains 2 videos or an activity in the top section and below them a link to one of the four levels of the exciting Google Interland: Be Internet Awesome Game.

Remember to be "Internet Safe and Smart." When you are finished with all four areas, you will create a comic strip @ by illustrating something you've learned from your trip.  You will also taken a written quiz. (See bottom of page for details.)

Remember to Share with Care:

This section contains 2 videos on top and below them a link to the Goolge Interalnd's Mindful Mountain Game.  The first video, "Mindful Messages" discusses how you have to be careful with your tone (or way you convey) your emotions with online messaging since you are not communicating face to face.  The second video explains the difference between Private and Personal Information and that Private Information is not to be shared online.  Lastly, below the videos is Google Interland's, "Mindful Mountain" game. 

"The mountainous town center of Interland is a place where everyone mingles and crosses paths. But you must be very intentional about what you share and with whom. Information travels at the speed of light, and there’s an oversharer among the Internauts you know." -Google Inc.

Be Careful Not to Fall for the Fake:

This section contains 1 video and an Anti-Phishing Phil game on the top row and below them a link to Goolge Interalnd's," Reality River Game."  The first video, "Stay Safe from Phising" discusses what Phishing is and how to be safe from these scams.  Below the video is Google Interland's, "Reality River" game. "The river that runs through Interland flows with fact and fiction. But things are not always as they seem. To cross the rapids, use your best judgment – and don’t fall for the antics of the phisher lurking in these waters." -Google Inc.

Your Secrets Should be Secure:

This section contains 2 videos about creating strong passwords on the top row and below them a link to Goolge Interalnd's "Tower of Treasure Game."   Next, below the videos is Google Interland's, "Tower of Treasure" game. 

"Mayday! The Tower of Treasure is unlocked, leaving the Internaut’s valuables like contact info and private messages at high risk. Outrun the hacker and build a fortress with strong passwords to secure your secrets once and for all." -Google Inc.

Being Kind is Cool:

This section contains 2 videos on the top row and below them a link to Goolge Interalnd's "Tower of Treasure Game."  The first video talks about what Cyberbullying is and strategies on dealing with it. The second video talks about the the Power of Words and treating others online kindly. Next, below the videos is Google Interland's, "Kind Kingdom" game. "Vibes of all kinds are contagious, for better or for worse. In the sunniest corner of town, aggressors are running amok, spreading negativity everywhere. Block and report the aggressors to stop their takeover and be kind to other Internauts to restore the peaceful nature of this land." -Google Inc.

Now that you've completed all 4 Sections, Let's see what you know?

Visit MakeBeliefsComix and create a comic that illustrates something you've learned from the VFT.  Then save it and print it off and give to your teacher.

I pulled some questions from the Interland Game.

Please Number a sheet of Paper 1-10 and write down the correct letter for your answer choice. Good Luck!  

Google Interland Test.

1. ________________ Creates Ripple Effects.  By sharing vibes, I can make the internet a safer place.  

A. Bullying  

B. using encryption     

C.Eating Dinner         

D. reporting Fishers  

E. Sharing Kindness    

F. Watching Videos  

2. I don’t have to talk to anyone who is being mean or making me uncomfortable.  If someone is bullying me or others, I can use my settings to ________________.


A. Bully them back

B. Add them   

C. get candy 

D. Block them  

E. invite them over

3. I Can Stand Up to bullying by ______________. When I use my voice for good, I’m internet brave.  

A. Joining in 

B. Screaming     

C. Reporting It   

D. Making fun of the bully. 

F. Laughing  ignoring it   


4. It’s important to be alert online, so I use clues to help me tell the difference between what’s _______________.


A.Strong and weak  

B. online and offline   

C. good and bad        

D. Real and Fake  

E. Hot and not    

F. big and small  


5. When Someone tries to trick me to sharing my password or personal information, that’s called ______________.  

A. encryption    

B. phishing  

C. faking

D. Cyberbullying  

E. love-bombing  

F. 2-step verification  


6. I know I use my detective skills to avoid ______________. If something sounds to good to be true, it probably is.  



A. Passwords  

B. flowers  

C. Scams    

D. Ghosts   

E. information  

7. Before I post something online, I  _________. It’s important to consider what I’m sharing and who I’m sharing it with.  

A. Watch cat videos     

B. change my password.  

C. don’t do anything, I just share             

D. make a sandwich       

E. Tell my friends in my class  

F. first stop to think  


8. Some kinds of information is ____________ or personal.  Things like my address and phone number should not be shared online.  

A. Purple       

B. sensitive   

C. public       

D. mean        

E. obvious     

F. Good  



9. A long password is a strong password.  My passwords should be ____________. I can make it easy to remember, but hard to guess?

A. The same as my email address

B. 10 gazillion characters

C. Less than 10 characters

D. At least 8 characters

E. More than 50 characters

F. Exactly 7 letters  

10. The most secure passwords aren’t just long.  They also contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and _______________.  

A. Encryption

B. Family members

C. Symbols

D. Emojis

E. Unique numbers

F. Rare letters