Counseling Corner

Hello! My name is Lori Nemelka

I love working with your children at Highland Elementary School. They bring me joy every day!

I work with students to help with their social and emotional wellbeing, and I assist students in the following ways:

Classroom Lessons

I visit every classroom once a month for a presentation on social and emotional skills. Often I share ideas to help families reinforce social and emotional learning at home.

Group Counseling

I meet with small groups of children for social and emotional learning. We learn together through sharing and activities. The topics of these groups include but are not limited to:

  • Friendship & Social Skills

  • Self-Esteem & Positive Self-Talk

  • Managing Worry & Anxiety

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Family Changes & Grief

Individual Counseling

I meet with students one-on-one for short-term

counseling focused on social and emotional skills

that will help students find success in life.

(up to 6 meetings)

Discover social emotional wellness each day of the week:

Self-Care Sunday - Mindful Monday - Talking Tuesday - Wonder Wednesday

Thankful Thursday - Fitness Friday - Service Saturday


Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Express your gratitude to others.


A balance of good sleep, nutrition, and exercise will help you be your best at school each day.


Hope is a positive feeling, and a choice to believe that good things are possible.