-About Mrs. Rohde- 
     I love teaching scientific thinking! Science is a beautiful process that we use to make sense of the world and teaching students to use the process enlightens their academic experience. My teaching career goal is to have all my students observe the world, not just to ask questions, but to reason and problem-solve using their physics understanding. They will be the engineers of the future and what a cool world it will be! 
     This is my eighth year teaching and I am excited to bring passion in the physical sciences to the Skyridge community. I am married to an amazing man who gets my out of this world jokes and have three young men who keep me young at heart. 

-Textbook Resources-

In my AP Physics class, we will useCollege Physics, AP edition by Etkina, Gentile, Van Heuvelen.

In my Physics w/ Tech class, we will use Paul Hewitt's Conceptual Physics TextBook-12th Edition, Physics in Context by Cord Communications and the OER below. Other resources that are extremely helpful are www.physicsclassroom.com and www.khanacademy.org/science/physics

Physics 2018-2019.pdf