
Dear Parents of _______________________________________, 2019-2020

Your child has been chosen for the privilege of being a GROVECREST GRIZZLY GREETER, on the condition that you sign to approve your child’s participation in this leadership opportunity. Please discuss it fully with your child and make the decision together.

PURPOSE OF THE GROVECREST GRIZZLY GREETERS: Research has shown that students who receive a positive greeting as they arrive at school feel less stress, exhibit improved behavior and academic engagement, and are less likely to bully.

WHO IS CHOSEN TO BE A GREETER? Students exhibiting the B.E.S.T. Character Development Traits (listed on second page) and following the school rules and motto may be chosen to wear a Grizzly Greeter cap and greet the students in the mornings as they come to school, and to be on duty during every other afternoon recess assisting other students in friend finding, joining in play groups, and problem-solve effectively; thereby helping to foster a safe, comfortable, positive, and appropriate playground experience for all students.


  • Greeters are under the direction of the 6th grade Greeter Supervisor, Mr. Casey Johnson, and the Principal, Mr. Kyle Hoopes.
  • Greeter duty lasts for 6-7 weeks, including training.
  • Duty includes time before school, 8:40 to 9:00, greeting students as they arrive at school.
  • Parents of Greeters agree to ensure the on-time arrival of the Greeters who normally ride the bus to school. (They will not be able to ride the bus to school for those 6 weeks, but will always be able to ride the bus home.)
  • Greeters have recess duty 1:45-2:15 every other day. They are to actively watch for students in lower and upper grades in need of friends and/or help with minor problem solving techniques.
  • Greeters are NOT to discipline but can refer discipline complaints to the playground aides.
  • Greeters are not to just “stand around with the other Greeters and look cool.” They are to spend time with other students helping introduce them to play groups and helping them to join those groups.
  • If the Greeter, with or without cap on, during or after their 6-7 weeks on duty, behaves in a manner NOT fitting the B.E.S.T. Character Traits and the school rules, he/she may be asked to turn in the Greeter cap and be removed from the Greeter team.
  • If the Greeter has a successful experience he/she may keep the cap. Greeters will also be given a certificate that can be used to show time performing volunteer service (which is sometimes helpful in various Jr. High programs).
  • The Greeter is not on duty at lunch recess, and may spend that time with his/her friends.
  • If the Greeter loses the cap it will not be replaced.
  • If a Greeter knows he/she will be absent, he/she should let Mr. Johnson know beforehand.
  • Greeter cannot give or loan Greeter cap to be worn by anyone who is not a Greeter.
  • Greeter is responsible to make up any classwork missed while on Greeter duty. He/she can work this out with his/her teacher.
  • Greeter needs to be prepared with his/her schoolwork/homework or he/she will not be able to greet that day. If the Greeter has persistent problems with being prepared with daily homework he/she may be replaced.
  • Greeter meetings will be held every Wednesday during afternoon recess.
  • Greeters will receive basic training in these areas: what to notice in a bully situation, how to stop a bully, friendship techniques, joining playgroup ideas, greeting skills, community service, social skill announcements, “warm fuzzy” awards for appropriate behavior on the playground, HOPE SQUAD, and leadership opportunities.
  • Greeter will agree to be on HOPE SQUAD as well. (This provides great leadership training, anti-bully training, as well as skills in suicide prevention.)
  • Greeter may be asked to substitute for other Greeters when his/her 6-7 week “tour of duty” is completed. Filling in for other Greeters is on a “need to” basis. Greeter needs to keep the cap handy so he/she can fill in when necessary. Greeter is considered a Greeter for the rest of the school year. “Once a Greeter, always a Greeter.”

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Casey Johnson @ 801-610-8109 ext.166205 or THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!

B.E.S.T. Character Development

Traits include:

  1. Caring/Courteous
  2. Responsible
  3. Trustworthy
  4. Good Citizen
  5. Respectful

Grovecrest School Rules-

I am responsible to:

  • Follow directions from all adults
  • Speak kind words to others
  • Keep my hands and feet to myself
  • Give my best effort
  • Learn something new every day