Week 4: April 13 -April 17

Printable Work:

The links for these printable pages are also available as links with the tasks they are associated with.

Unit 8 Week 3

Monday Activities

You will complete the following activities today. The approximate time it will take is listed.

  1. Calendar Time (10 min.)

  2. Lexia (20-30 min.)

  3. Social Studies (15-20 min.)

Make a Calendar

  • Make your April Calendar print here .

  • Optional decorative calendar page print here

  • Cross off the day of the week.

  • Sing the days of the week, months of the year, and the weather song.*See the FAQ page for songs

  • Chart the weather. *see week one printable resources if you need a new weather chart


click here.

Please sign on and do 20-30 minutes of Lexia today. I can't wait to see your progress!

After you complete your 30 minutes today, I will periodically send your parent an email with a little feedback.

Social Studies

Complete this nearpod.

Pick your own assignment! You may do one or all of the following.

  • Draw a picture of the job one of your parents has and list any tools they use for their job.

  • Think of a problem that needs solving. Draw or make an invention to solve that problem.

  • Write a story about how you can be helpful at home.

Be sure to email your teacher to let her know which assignment you completed today.

Tuesday Activities

You will complete the following activities today. The approximate time it will take is listed.

  1. Self-Start notebook (5 min.)

  2. Calendar Time (5 min.)

  3. Lexia (20-30 min.)

  4. Math (10-15 min.)

  5. Writing (15 min. )

  6. Word Work board game (Times will vary)


click here.

Please sign on and do 20-30 minutes of Lexia today. I can't wait to see your progress!

After you complete your 30 minutes today, I will periodically send your parent an email with a little feedback.


Take this math test on the number 20.

Mrs. Larson's Test Here

Mrs. Frye's Test Here


Watch this video of Mrs. Frye and Mrs. Larson. Finish our story.

Today you will copy our story.


This game can be played all in one day, over the entire week, or be played again and again until you've completed each square. Do what works best for you!

play here

Wednesday Activities

You will complete the following activities today. The approximate time it will take is listed.

  1. Self-Start notebook (5 min.)

  2. Calendar Time (5 min.)

  3. Lexia (20-30 min.)

  4. Math (10-15 min.)

  5. Writing (15 min. )

  6. Word Work board game (Times will vary)

LEXIAclick here.

Please sign on and do 20-30 minutes of Lexia today. I can't wait to see your progress!

After you complete your 30 minutes today, I will periodically send your parent an email with a little feedback.


3D Shapes

There are three activities for today. Click on each link below

1.Review of 2D Shapes

2.Video - 3D Shapes I know

3.3D Matching Game


Watch this video of Mrs. Frye and Mrs. Larson. We will give you a beginning and middle. Your job is to finish our story.


This game can be played all in one day, over the entire week, or be played again and again until you've completed each square. Do what works best for you!

play here

Thursday Activities:

You will complete the following activities today. The approximate time it will take is listed.

  1. Self-Start notebook (5 min.)

  2. Calendar Time (5 min.)

  3. Lexia (20-30 min.)

  4. Math (10-15 min.)

  5. Writing (15 min. )

  6. Word Work board game (Times will vary)


click here.

Please sign on and do 20-30 minutes of Lexia today. I can't wait to see your progress!

After you complete your 30 minutes today, I will periodically send your parent an email with a little feedback.


3D Shapes

Click on each activity


Shape Hunt


Watch this video of Mrs. Frye and Mrs. Larson. We will give you the beginning. Finish our story.


This game can be played all in one day, over the entire week, or be played again and again until you've completed each square. Do what works best for you!

play here

Friday Activities:

You will complete the following activities today. The approximate time it will take is listed.

  1. Self-Start notebook (5 min.)

  2. Calendar Time (5 min.)

  3. Lexia (20-30 min.)

  4. Math (10-15 min.)

  5. Writing (15 min. )

  6. Word Work board game (Times will vary)


click here.

Please sign on and do 20-30 minutes of Lexia today. I can't wait to see your progress!

After you complete your 30 minutes today, I will periodically send your parent an email with a little feedback.


3D Shapes

Click on each activity


Sorting Activity


Write your own story with a beginning, middle, and end. No video instructions today but don't forget to draw a picture for the beginning, middle, and end. Use 5 star writing.

  1. Start each sentence with an uppercase letter.

  2. Use good handwriting

  3. Read what you wrote. Does it make sense?

  4. End each sentence with punctuation.

  5. Use finger spaces between words.

E-mail a copy to your teacher.


This game can be played all in one day, over the entire week, or be played again and again until you've completed each square. Do what works best for you!

play here