Classroom Documents

What HW Scores Mean:

I grade on both completion and accuracy. Sometimes I do only grade on completion but you will never know when this will happen so always take your HW seriously like I'm going to grade on accuracy. I will choose 2 problems at random to grade for accuracy and then assign the points as follows:

  • 10: HW is completed and 2 problems chosen are accurate.
  • 9: HW is completed and 1 of the 2 problems chosen is accurate.
  • 8: HW is completed and both of the 2 problems chosen are inaccurate.
  • 7: HW is completed but turned in late BEFORE the unit test.
  • 6: HW is on-time, but incomplete and more than half-way finished.
  • 5: HW is completed but turned in late AFTER the unit test.
  • 4: HW is on-time, but incomplete and less than half-way finished.

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