Why participate in a 

CTE Work-Based Learning Student Internship?

A CTE (Career and Technical Education) internship is a work experience program designed to provide students with a practical, hands-on working experience in their chosen Pathway or industry. This is a class for seniors who are completing a Pathway or have taken at least 2 CTE classes that correspond with their desired internship. The main objectives of CTE internships are:

Learn about Internships and Pathways here 

Class Basics:

                        Steps to enroll in this class:

Here are a few of our amazing interns... 

Come join us!

Ag Mechanics

Animal and Vet Science

Plant Science

Architecture & Construction

Interior Design

Broadcasting and Digital Media

Fashion Apparel and Textiles

Business Marketing

Programming & Software Development

Teaching as a Profession/Education

Culinary Arts

Health Science

Sports Medicine

Fire Department/Health Science 

Protective Services 
