Online Learning

For those families that prefer to keep their children at home for a while longer, we're happy to partner with you as your children engage in online learning with school support. The procedures outlined on this page will help you know what your child's online experience will look like and how your Liberty Hills teachers will provide your child with ongoing support and connection.

Back-to-School Night

A virtual Back-t0-School Night will be available to all our online learners on Monday, August 17, 2020. Teachers will have a series of pre-recorded videos prepared that will orient both students and their parents about the procedures they can expect in their online learning experience.

  • Individual teachers will share the links to their respective videos by 5:00pm on August 17. Links may be emailed or sent via Google Classroom. Your child's teacher will clarify the means and methods they will use to share their orientation videos with you.

  • If grade levels choose, videos may be created as a grade level team so as to introduce students to all teachers on the grade level.

  • Disclosure documents or other class communications will be digital and shared with families through email or Google Classroom.

Teachers will hold live welcome-to-school sessions with their online students between the days of August 18-20.

Learning Time

Time Amounts of Online Instruction

District officials have determined optimal amounts of time for online learning according to children's ages. These daily expectations were informed by ASD parent surveys and recommendations from national experts. Each day, students will also be offered a menu of optional activities in case they want or need additional practice.

Kindergarten - Approximately 1 Hour Per Day

  • 40 minutes per day of reading and writing

  • 20 minutes per day of math

  • 15 minutes twice a week of science

*Beyond these times, students may have live online experiences with their teachers for academic support.

1st-3rd Grades - Approximately 2 Hours Per Day

  • 75 minutes per day of reading and writing

  • 35 minutes per day of math

  • 30 minutes twice a week of science

*Beyond these times, students may have live online experiences with their teachers for academic support.

4th-6th Grades - Approximately 3 Hours Per Day

  • 90 minutes per day of reading and writing

  • 65 minutes per day of math

  • 45 minutes three times a week of science

*Beyond these times, students may have live online experiences with their teachers for academic support.

Online Instruction and Student Support

Learning Format and Teacher Assignments

Students will be assigned to a Liberty Hills teacher on their grade level for individualized support, assessment, and follow-up. This arrangement is defined as "Format B" in the district's student learning options document. Under this format, students will engage in district developed curriculum resources every day as their primary means of being introduced to new concepts and to receive their primary instruction. A student's assigned Liberty Hills teacher will check-in with each student at least one a week and provide basic interventions for essential concepts. This teacher will also be responsible to assess student learning progress and assign grades.

Online Curriculum Content

  • Using the district-provided curriculum, online learners will receive instruction on a core set of essential learning standards in three subject areas:

      1. English Language Arts (ELA)

      2. Math

      3. Science

  • Details of the exact structure of lessons will be forthcoming.

Who is creating the district-provided curriculum?

  • Grade level teams--consisting of district teacher specialists (TSAs), instructional coaches, and innovative learning coaches--are creating the district's online curriculum content.

How will students access the content?

  • All online content will be pushed out to online students by their Liberty Hills teachers (see the "Liberty Hills Teacher Responsibilities" section below) using Google Classroom. A single Google Classroom will be created per grade level for online learners. All teachers on the grade level will have shared access to this Google Classroom. Teachers within each team can determine how they might work together to post the day's ELA, math, and science content.

  • Content will be posted at least one week ahead of time.

What types of learning resources will students have?

  • With the exception noted on the next bullet point, all content for online students will be digital, including work for intervention, review, and assessment. Paper packets and materials will not be provided. Certain learning materials, especially for science, will be generally available through an inventory of items found in most families' kitchen cupboards.

  • Students have the option of having access to a physical copy of their consumable Ready Mathematics textbook. Students would be able to follow along the online lessons while completing work in the books. If families would like a copy, they should stop by the school during our regular office hours. Note: if a child later returns to in person learning at one of our trimester changes, they will need to bring their math textbook with them for use in the classroom.

Will Liberty Hills teachers have access to the online curriculum?

  • Yes. Online content will maintain a scope and sequence consistent with standards-based grading expectations for each trimester. It will be shared with teachers district-wide for their reference throughout the year.

  • Any teacher across the district--whether they are teaching exclusively in-person learners, exclusively online learners, or a combination of the two--may utilize the district-developed online curriculum. Teachers using this resource can decide if the online content will complement the pacing guides they already use or whether they will more fully align their pacing guides to the online material; either option is fine.

Liberty Hills Teacher Responsibilities

Liberty Hills teachers will take primary responsibility for the following items:

Post New Curriculum Content

  • Teachers will post new curriculum content each week to the online learner Google Classroom for each grade level. Teachers may push all content to their own students individually or work as a team to divide how they will post content.

Tier 2 and Tier 3 Student Interventions

  • Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions are one-on-one and small group instructional opportunities to help students master grade level essential learning standards. Teachers will provide individual follow-up at least one time each a week with online learners. Teachers provide students with access to resources to rehearse, review, and develop certain academic skills. Live follow-up sessions Tuesday-Friday will connect teachers with students and provides time to directly to answer questions, give clarifying information, and share further direction.

  • Small groups of students that will receive intervention on a common topic are allowed when parent permission is given for online access.


  • Assessment is an important part of instruction, as it allows teaches to know how students are progressing in their learning. Teachers will administer assessments common to the entire grade level to evaluate students' learning progress.

  • Evaluation of student work and feedback will take place through digital means.


  • All assignments and grades will be entered in Skyward, the district's student information management system. For details on how to logon to Skyward, click here.

  • Official progress will be reported at the end of each trimester using the using the Alpine School District Standards-based Report Card. For more information on the Standards-based Report Card, click here.

Class Connection Opportunities (Optional)

  • Teachers have the option to hold one (1) online class connection opportunity per week with their online students expressly for the purpose of forging connections with their online learners. This connection opportunity could be for such purposes as a class read aloud, class meeting, highlighting a student of the week, etc. These will take place via online platforms (i.e. Google Meet or Zoom).

Schedule for Class Connection Live Streams

  • We will stagger our time schedule for live class connection events so that we do not double up grade levels at the same time (making it easier for families to share devices at home). The schedule is provided below, or you can access it by clicking here.

    • Tuesday:

      1. 2:45pm - Kindergarten

      2. 3:00pm - First Grade

      3. 3:15pm - Second Grade

    • Wednesday:

      1. 2:45pm - Third Grade

      2. 3:00pm - Fourth Grade

      3. 3:15pm - Fifth Grade

    • Thursday:

      1. 2:45pm - Sixth Grade

      2. 3:00pm - Special Education

  • Teacher have the option of completing one (1) in person doorway visit at the time of a child's birthday or half-birthday if both the teacher and parent feel comfortable with such and arraignment.

Specialty Classes

Our online learners will continue to have access to our Engineering, Computers, and Library specialty classes. All specialty instruction will take place on Fridays.

Computers and Engineering

  • Students will receive an online lesson from either our Computer teacher, Mrs. Bulpitt, or our Engineering teacher, Mrs. Thompson, on Fridays. The specialty learning opportunity students have will alternate each week (Engineering one week and Computers the next) depending on a student's grade level.

  • Students will be taught in grade level groups; all K-2 students will participate in one group and all 3-6 grade students will participate in another. In a given week, if the K-2 student group is receiving an Engineering lesson from Mrs. Thompson, then the 3-6 student group will receive a Computers lesson from Mrs. Bulpitt, and vice versa for the following week.

  • Lessons will take place via live Google Meet sessions. Details will be sent from our specialty teachers about when and how to login to each session. Google Meet sessions will be staggered so that families with K-2 and 3-6 grade children will be able to access both of their grade-specific live streams.


  • Our librarian, Mrs. Morley, has set aside time on Fridays from 12:25-12:55pm specifically for connecting with our online learners. She will share stories over a live stream to all our Liberty Hills online students.

  • Lessons will take place via a live Google Meet session. Details will be sent from Mrs. Morley about when and how to login to the session.

Individual Education Plans (IEP) and 504 Plans

  • Students with disabilities who are served with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan will continue to receive services and supports. IEP teams and 504 teams will meet with parents to outline and determine the details of individual plans. Special education is about meeting the needs of the individual student. Our response to each individual student will include various options, in some cases including both online and in-person services as determined by the IEP team. Teams will meet to determine appropriate academic and behavioral support, accommodations and modifications, clarifying where and when specialized instruction warranted through the IEP will take place.

English learners

  • Students learning English as a new language will continue to receive English language acquisition instructional services and support for both in-person and online instruction. The Student Educational Equity Department team (SEE) will work closely with classroom teachers to ensure they have the resources they need to support students’ language acquisition and content knowledge development. Each school team in collaboration with the SEE team will determine appropriate accommodations and/or modifications to ensure students access the general education requirements and expectations.

Online Support and Devices

Login Information

  • All K-6 students will have a unique username and password to access their student Google account. This login and password information will be shared with parents so they can help their students to access important online tools.

  • Students may visit and log in with their Google account to see the district and school-supported online learning tools available to them. Applications are organized in three areas:

      1. Instant Login Applications (will not require another login if launched from the portal)

      2. Google Login Applications (will require entering a student's Google login information again)

      3. Other Login Applications (requires a username and password specific to that application)

Parent Support

  • Parents will have access to a resources page with training at Please note that this page will not be live until August 11th. Parents are encouraged to turn to this webpage for online tutorials and other helpful information.

  • Parents needing tech assistance can request help from our Technology Help Desk. To request help, visit the following website:

Internet Access

  • If you do not have Internet access at home, there are many community resources available to help provide you with at home Internet access.

        • Many Internet service providers (like AT&T or Comcast) have special offers for free or very inexpensive basic service packages for low-income families.

        • AT&T and Xfinity (Comcast) have community based wifi access zones that they have opened to all users.

        • Many cell phone companies have offered low cost options to add hotspot functionality to cell phone plans.

        • Families might also consider options of leveraging for access from families, friends, or neighbors.

  • If families have explored these options and still have no opportunity for Internet services, contact Principal Eagar directly for support.

Learning Devices

  • In the period of school dismissal that took place this past March-May, students had open access to our Liberty Hills Chromebooks for use at home. In that time of full dismissal, we were able to support families with those device resources because they were not needed for in-school use. However, in our present learning situation, our teachers with face-to-face students will need access to our limited Chromebook resources on a daily basis to provide their in person learners with instruction, assessment, and intervention support. For this reason, we are unable to facilitate any type of mass check-out of these devices to the community. All of our devices are part of an active inventory as we do not maintain a surplus of Chromebook computers simply for device checkout. Families who have chosen the online learning option for their child will need to take primary responsibility to provide their child with the needed device and Internet access required to complete their online coursework.

  • An extremely limited quantity of school Chromebook devices could be checked out to our online-only patrons. Due to our limited inventory, a maximum of one (1) device per household can be checked out to families that meet all of the following criteria:

      1. All children in the household must be participating in 100 percent online instruction.

      2. A student or family member in the household must be considered a higher risk individual for severe illness from COVID-19.

      3. Device distribution will be limited to families in challenging financial circumstances in which the children qualify for fee waivers or free and reduced lunch status.

      4. At least one (1) Liberty Hills student in the houseful must have an identified need for significant academic support as determined by school, district, and/or state assessments or receive support for an accommodated disability as outlined in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Plan.

  • We recognize that other nearby schools might be able to facilitate device check-out with fewer qualifying factors. However, as we are a new school and have not had the years of operations and fundraising of other schools with replete Chromebook inventories, we must be careful and cautious with our device checkout so as to not adversely impact the ability of our teachers to instruct their face-to-face students. If families do not meet the above conditions yet are unable to provide their children with the needed learning devices at home, they may want to consider enrolling their child for face-to-face instruction at Liberty Hills or contacting the secondary schools of older siblings (i.e. Willowcreek Middle School or Lehi High School) to see if they have more ready access to school provided devices. Parents also have the option of providing their child(ren) with homeschool instruction through such programs as Alpine Online K-8, which offers use of an at-home student laptop at a reduced price.

Teacher Availability

Liberty Hills teachers will be available to provide individualized follow-up and support for online learners on Tuesdays-Thursdays, 2:30-3:30pm. As per our usual schedule, the Monday early-out provides time for teacher collaboration so that teachers can work collectively to support the learning progress of their students. The hour after school on Fridays will serve as time for teachers to plan instruction and prepare for the coming week.

Contacting Liberty Hills Teachers

Teachers will make reasonable efforts to follow-up with parent emails and voicemails in a timely manner. We respectfully ask that parents and students do not directly contact teachers by phone or text messaging during times when they are teaching students face-to-face (M-F, 8:00-2:30pm).

School Meals

Some families may desire or have need to access school meals even though their children will be learning online. We are happy to provide our online families with access to breakfast and lunch meal services at Liberty Hills. Please take note of the following information and protocols concerning meal services for our online students:

General Protocols

  • Thanks to a temporary waiver from the USDA, free meals will be available to all students through December 2020 or until the funding is exhausted. There is no need to apply for this benefit, as all students that are a part of the Alpine School District are automatically eligible. As this free meal waiver period will expire in the near future, we recommend that families who think they may qualify for free or reduced meals to complete an application so there is no lapse in meal service when the waiver expires. You can access the application by clicking here.

  • Free meals are only available to enrolled students and are only at the student’s enrolled site. This means that meals can only be picked up at the school in which the student is enrolled, and we cannot give out meals for junior high or high school students at Liberty Hills. Meals can be purchased for adults or other non-student persons at the full adult price of $3.85.

  • Meals may be purchased for adults or younger siblings at the full price of $3.85. A la carte options will not be available for purchase while the waiver is in place.

  • Once the free meal waiver expires, breakfast and lunch meal options will revert back to the district's established meal prices.

      • Note: Free and reduced lunch applications for online learners can still be submitted. To access the online free and reduced lunch application, click here.

  • Our school meal menus can be accessed by visiting

  • Money can be dded to your child's meal account through MyPayments Plus

  • Due to scheduling constraints, online learners are not able to eat their meals at the school. All meals are grab-and-go and will need to be consumed at home. Pick up times for breakfast and lunch are noted below.

  • Breakfast and lunch items cannot be picked up at the same time. If both meals are desired, families will need to visit the school at each of the serve times noted below.

Serve Times

We ask our online families to please hold to the serve times noted below. These times have been specifically set so that your presence in the lunchroom will not coincide with meal times for in person students, thus helping us maintain physical distancing within the school building.


  • Online learners may pick up breakfast items between 8:15-8:45am.


  • Online learners may pick up their lunches between 10:00-10:30am.

Additional Considerations

Student Comportment

  • We continue to ask our students to hold to our Husky High 5 behavioral expectations. Now more than ever we need to be an understanding and respectful school community so that we can make the best of our learning experiences in these challenging and uncertain times.

  • Even in an online format, students can still exemplify the characteristics of the Husky High 5. Please show your teachers and parents the respect they deserve as the direct supporters of your online learning.

  • Students should not use access to online resources or live meetings to engage in inappropriate or hurtful behavior.

Special Events and Extracurricular Activities

Weekly Kickoff Assemblies

  • As we opened Liberty Hills exactly one year ago, we started a tradition of beginning each week with a schoolwide Kickoff Assembly. All students, teachers, and staff members gather in the gymnasium for a school spirit-filled start to the week, birthday celebrations, announcements, and role plays. These weekly gatherings help us kickstart the week and feel united as a school.

  • Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are unable to hold face-to-face Kickoff Assemblies. However, the tradition of our Kickoff Assemblies will continue, albeit in an online form. We will live stream weekly Kickoff Assemblies using Google Meet, and teachers will be able to present the stream in their classrooms using their digital projectors. Though apart, we can stay connected and united as a school.

  • Kickoff assemblies will begin at 9:30am on Monday mornings. The content of these virtual assemblies will be adjusted so that the assembly lasts no longer than 15 minutes.

  • The Google Meet link for each live stream session will only be accessible by Liberty Hills employees. This restriction is a safeguard to avoid public access of the link and the possibility of inappropriate content or langauge from unintended participants. However, as we want our online learners to stay connected with the school and the content of our Kickoff Assemblies, we will record each assembly and share a link to each uploaded recording with our online learners.

Book Fair

  • A virtual book fair will be held this year. Parents will be able to view titles online and order books directly over the Internet. Titles will be shipped directly to patrons' homes. A portion of the Book Fair proceeds will be given to our librarian for the procurement of more library books.

Special Events

  • Traditional school-wide events (Halloween parade, holiday sing-along, and dance festival) will not take place in a traditional manner if restrictions continue to be in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as we must avoid events that would bring many people into the school and strain already difficult efforts to appropriately maintain physical distancing.

  • We will evaluate school events as they come on a case-by-case basis in the course of the school year and determine if and how there is a way to modify these events in keeping with health guidelines and restrictions. This also applies to grade-level specific events, such as wax museums, Egyptian funerals, invention conventions, etc., as well as PTA sponsored events.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

  • Parent/Teacher Conferences (also referred to as Student Education Plan (SEP) Conferences in the Alpine School District) are held twice a year (October 7-8 and February 3-4).

  • Virtual conferences will be held for all students, both face-to-face and online students, so as to mitigate certain risk factors that would be present if we were to hold in person conferences.

  • More information will be sent on this information as we approach our first conference window in October.

Clubs and Extracurricular Activities (Sponsored by the PTA)

Will clubs and extracurricular events take place?

  • Being involved in a club or activity can be a great way for a student to feel connected at school, and even in the midst of the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools have the option of making after-school clubs and activities available to students. The decision to do so, however, must be carefully thought out so that risks inherent to the operation of a club or other activity are mitigated through careful planning and protocols.

  • At this point in time, there are a few activities that the school administration and PTA will be putting on hold due to the associated risks inherent with such activities, and it is our intent to not expose our students to these risk factors. These on-hold events include our school play, choir, arts night, talent show, and lego club (as traditionally held).

  • The constraints we face with COVID-19 provide us with opportunities to think about some of our traditional events differently and in a new light. Thanks to the continued support of our PTA, students will be able to participate in a virtual Reflections arts program. Our PTA is also planing to hold our annual Read-a-thon and Battle of the Books in formats that will hold to health and safety parameters. A virtual Lego Club is also being considered.

Who can participate in any available extracurricular events?

  • School clubs and extracurricular events are open to all Liberty Hills students, both online and in person learners. Please note that students who were exposed to COVID-19 and choose to attend school under modified quarantine may not attend after school clubs or other extra curricular activities, even if they test negative for COVID-19.

  • The PTA is also considering online club options that face-to-face and online learners could participate in together.

  • If needed, club enrollment will be limited at times so as to maintain appropriate social distancing among club participants.

  • In an effort to limit nonessential visitors and volunteers to the school campus, clubs directors may not bring unexpected volunteers, spouses, or other children with them to the club.

  • All club participants and volunteers must wear a face covering or mask when inside the building.

  • Club leaders must report to the office upon arriving at the school, where they will sign-in and receive a temperature check.

  • Club leaders must maintain a seating chart at all times so that students can be identified if contact tracing if necessary in the event of a possible COVID-19 exposure.

Visitors and Volunteers

Visitors and Guests

As we seek to mitigate risk factors that are associated with the spread of COVID-19, it is essential that we adhere to specific guidelines concerning guests and visitors in the school. Every person that comes into the school is a point-of-contact. The recommendation we have received from the state is to limit the points-of-contact within a building to those persons that are critical for normal school operations. This would include our students, teachers, other school employees, and volunteers that are performing a key service or function within the school. At this point in time we are limiting school admittance to those individuals that fall under these critical personnel categories.

If parents have an item to bring to a child, they should bring the item to the office and a school employee will deliver the item to the student. At this point in time we are not facilitating parent/guardian guest attendance in our lunchroom. We thank you for your understanding and look forward to a time when we can return to our usual operations.

Frequenting the Office Area

The majority of our visitors will simply be stopping by the office to drop off a student or needed items or to pick up a child. Even though these visits are brief, we still ask that all visitors frequenting the office area adhere to the following health and safety protocols:

  • Do not enter the school if you are displaying any symptom(s) associated with COVID-19, if you have had contact with someone who has COVID-19, or if you are under a 14-day quarantine for possible COVID-19 exposure.

  • All visitors should sanitize their hands upon entering the school.

  • All persons entering the school building must wear a mask. Only those individuals wearing a mask will be admitted into the office area. Note: in the check-out process, it may be necessary for a visitor to briefly lower one's mask in order for our secretaries to make a positive identification of a person seeking to check out a student from school.

  • If a parent/guardian coming to check out a student has forgotten to wear a mask, he/she will be kindly invited to return to their vehicle and we will walk the child out to them.

  • All persons entering the school should observe 6 feet of physical distancing with other patrons or school personnel.

  • We will limit the number of persons in our office area to 10 persons at a given time (including school personnel) so as to maintain 6 feet of physical distancing. If we are already at capacity, some individuals may be asked to wait in the vestibule area until we are safely able to admit others into the office area.

  • Visitors must remain in the office area only. When needed, school personnel will direct visitors where to go for scheduled meetings.

Attendance for Required Meetings

We recognize that parents will have occasion to visit the school for required meetings, such as the review of a child's IEP or 504 plan, therapy services for preschool students, discussions with a teacher about a child's learning progress, or the completion of student assessments. We are happy to welcome visitors for these purposes. In addition to the above measures for frequenting the office area, additional health measures will be in place for guests that will be visiting the school for required meetings; we thank you for your adherence to these protocols:

  • All meetings with school personnel must be scheduled ahead of time. If a patron desires to meet with a teacher but the meeting is not schedule, the patron will be asked to contact the teacher to first make an appointment.

  • All visitors admitted into the school for a meeting will be required to have a COVID-19 symptoms check. These individuals will be questioned if they have displayed any symptoms associated with COVID-19 in the last 48 hours, if they have been around someone who has COVID-19, or if they have recently travel out of state or out of the country. If the answer is yes to any of these questions, individuals will be asked to reschedule their meeting at a future time or to complete the meeting virtually.

  • We request that families do everything possible to limit the presence of small children. We acknowledge, however, that such arrangements may not be possible. In such cases, ensure your child's hands are sanitized and please watch your child to ensure that he/she remains next to you at all times. Please note that our usual school provided toys will not be available as a diversion during IEP meetings, so you will want to plan accordingly.

  • Visitors should leave the school promptly when their visit is complete.

Checkout Procedures

  • When checking out a child from school, parents must complete our check-out form. There are two ways to do this:

      1. Parents can use one of our provided Chromebook computers. These devices will be sanitized regularly.

      2. Parents can access our checkout form using a shortened URL or QR code available in the front office and complete the form on their smartphone.

  • Our secretaries will confirm that the checkout form was submitted successfully.


We're grateful to volunteers that help us in our work to support student learning. In light of our present circumstances, we also need to minimize persons within a building to those that are essential to daily operations. In addition to the above measures for frequenting the office area, additional health measures will be in place for guests that will be volunteering in the school:

  • All volunteer work must be scheduled in advance.

  • Volunteers are not allowed to bring younger or older children with them so as to limit the number of non-essential personnel that are in the building.

  • All volunteers admitted into the school for volunteer work are required to have a COVID-19 symptoms check. These individuals will also be asked if they have displayed any symptoms associated with COVID-19 in the last 48 hours, if they have been around someone who has COVID-19, or if they have recently travel out of state or out of the country. If the answer is yes to any of these questions, individuals will be asked to reschedule their volunteer work at a future time.

  • There are two types of volunteerism that can take place in the school. Specific procedures for each volunteering format at outlined below:

      • Pull Out Volunteerism: Pull out volunteerism occurs when a volunteer works with students out in the hallway or in a tutoring room and meets with children one-on-one or in a small group setting. This is the preferred method of volunteering this year as it minimizes the points of contact that students have with outside individuals from the school. To facilitate contact tracing, volunteers must keep a log of the students they meet with during the course of their volunteer work and the locations in the building that they frequented (a contact log will be provided to all volunteers).

      • Push In Volunteerism: Push in volunteerism are supports in the class in which the volunteer works in the classroom along side the teacher. Obviously, this type of volunteerism can make it more difficult to contact trace, as the volunteer would need to recall those students that he/she was with for 15 minutes or more and within a 6 feet radius. If contact tracing is needed for a volunteer that worked with an entire class, teachers provide needed class lists and will help with the contact tracing effort.

  • All volunteers should return to the office when their volunteer work is complete. If they worked as pull out volunteers, the data from their volunteer log will be submitted as they check out using online volunteer check-out form. Volunteers should promptly leave the building after completing the online checkout process.

  • We recognize that parents and other community members may have a strong desire to volunteer in the school, but may feel anxious at the thought of impacting the students and school operations in the event they should contract COVID-19. We recognize these worries and are fully understanding if anyone would prefer to not volunteer in the school at this time. Those who wish to volunteer but feel anxious at the thought of coming into the school are welcome to contact their child's teacher directly to see if there are other ways they can provide volunteer support from home.

Attendance at PTA and School Community Council (SCC) Meetings

  • The PTA and SCC are valued organizations that give much to the school and help our students have successful and enriching learning experiences. In the face of the current COVID-19 pandemic, school are encouraged to minimize the number of persons in the building who are not employees or students. In keeping with this request, PTA and SCC meetings will take place virtually over Google Meet or Zoom sessions. Details of these meeting sessions will be forthcoming.

Do you still have questions? Post your questions using the form below it it can be added to our Q&A page.