“(As Educators) we are challenged over and over and over by things that students do, or the unplanned fire drill, or an upset parent showing up at our door five minutes before school starts, or a broken copy machine, or any number of other things. Alone, these are minor inconveniences, but the sum total of these moments feels exhausting, depletes our resilience, and contributes to burnout. There is no moment more important for educators to attend to than the one between stimulus and response. If we slow down and examine these moments, if we cultivate new responses, we might just transform our schools into places where we all thrive.”

~ Elena Aguilar

The latest statistics on how Utah suicide rates compare with the rest of the United States.

Please contract Rebecca Andreasen for more information about training opportunities and registration.

801-610-8458 | randreasen@alpinedistrict.org