Commonly Asked Questions

What is the best way to contact Mrs. Springer?

I am at the school A-Days, NOT B-Days. I also share the cooking lab with another teacher. Because of this, leaving a message on our room phone or dropping by, are harder ways to reach me. I am unable to speak with parents during instruction time. Email is the best way to reach me . Please include your student name in the subject line of your emails.

It is important to me to be available to you so, if email becomes insufficient, let me know and I will make other arrangements with you.

Why can't we cook everyday?!

It is wonderful to see the eagerness the students have for cooking. We work to provide as many labs as possible--lets admit it, its one of the best parts of this class! In all practicality, not all instruction can best be taught using the lab. We offer 4 awesome foods courses at Lone Peak High School that can further expand your students skills in the kitchen. We encourage your student to enroll in more!

How can my student get a better grade in class?

First, there is little that can be done at the end of the term and semester to significantly improve a student's grade. Encourage your student to regularly check their class grade. My policies on late and missed work are in the class disclosure document. Students who are absent will improve their grade by making up work in the time allotted.

This course is designed to build skills through class labs and by participation in other in-class learning activities. Student who attend, are on time, and active learners, do well in this class. Improving in these areas will improve their grade. I do provide 3 extra credit opportunities throughout the semester that can help them improve their grade as well.

Lastly, I use "Remind" texts to help the students remember important facts they are learning in class. When you and/or your student are signed up for these texts, it helps them be better prepared for their class tests and quizzes, which will help them get a better grade.