
Foundational Computer Science Lessons

K-6 Grade students should have a foundational understanding of essential computer science concepts. 

District approved CS platforms listed below can help you integrate CS into your curriculum and provide scaffolding for students to learn independently

CodeHS is our district supported solution for Computer Science instruction.

Click here for more information on using this in your class. has self paced lessons that provide good foundational exposure to coding concepts. Grade level teachers are encouraged to create accounts for students.  

Click for more information on using this in your class.

Teach computer science concepts and coding in a creative way.  Computer teachers are encouraged to set up classes for students using CS First Accounts (sign in with Google is disabled). Then, assign projects that integrate computer science with your curriculum.  CS First uses it's own version of Scratch called Scratch for CS First.  It is integrated into the platform so students do not need separate Scratch accounts.  It is preferred that teachers use this platform for elementary students who want to create Scratch projects.  It is a safer, protected environment.

Click here for a quick start guide to get started with your students.

Scratch Jr. is ideal for K-2 students.  It is available as a free app for mobile devices.  It can also be downloaded onto lab computers (talk to your school tech).  Teachers can download on their own devices following instructions below:

Download Instructions 

BootUp has free lesson resources to help coders learn computer science concepts with interest-driven projects using the Scratch Jr. and Scratch  platforms. is NOT recommended for use in Elementary School. It is should only be used only by  teachers and secondary students. (Elementary students could use CS First Scratch or the downloaded version of Scratch 3.0)  When using this platform with students, do not leave students to browse projects in the community without guidance and supervision. Students should use this platform for creating projects.

Click the District Supported Solutions Page for details on account creation for secondary students.

Scratch Download Link
