Resources for Parents, Guardians and Caregivers

Other resource pages:

Any words that are in blue AND underlined are links : AlphaPlus


Helping Children Cope with Stress During the COVID-19 Outbreak from the World Health Organization

Stay Healthy with TVOkids!

  • Videos about how to stay healthy and not spread germs. And here is a video about how hand washing works.

Mental Health and COVID-19

  • by Ottawa Public Health - a listing of Mental Health Resources available to you.


Resources for Families During the Coronavirus Pandemic

  • Tips and resources that can help keep kids entertained, engaged, and learning while they’re stuck inside.


Ontario Government Learn at Home

  • Find supplementary resources for elementary and secondary students to practice math and literacy skills and learn at home. While these materials do not replace what students have been learning at school, during this unusual time, these at-home activities offer quick and easy access to some of Ontario’s best online kindergarten to grade 12 learning resources.

Media Smarts for Parents

  • Find Blogs, Games, Tip Sheets, Guides, Workshops and Literacy Learning Videos here.

On The Loose: A Guide to Life Online For Post-Secondary Students

  • This document supports young adults who are experiencing new freedoms and challenges in their post- secondary life. It covers a variety of digital issues that students may require guidance on, including: school work; money and security; relationships online; and trying to stay healthy.

Daily Schedules for Students Ages 4-18 from Khan Academy

  • These schedules are meant to be templates that you could adopt as is or copy and modify to better suit the needs of your children.

More from Khan Academy about supporting children:
As a parent, how can I use Khan Academy to support my child's learning during a school closure?

About Learning Together

Global Family Research Project

Resources and ideas for families learning together.