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Your mega round-up of free music, museums, and art to check out

This is a list from Twitter and is a little crazy to navigate. It will take you on some interesting trips.

You can listen to an opera every night: operawire.com/metropolitan-opera-to-offer-up-nightly-met-opera-streams

And if opera is not your thing, scroll through to hear Italians singing to each other from their balconies.

Kenneth Oppal writes for young adults. Visit his Twitter page or YouTube channel for links to the readings.

Ahmad Danny Ramadan hosted a live reading of his children's book Salma the Syrian Chef on his Twitter page. It tells the story of a young girl who wants to make her mother — busy with job interviews and English classes — smile with a homemade Syrian meal.

Daniel A. Robertson is planning a live reading of When We Were Alone on his Twitter page at 10 a.m. CST on March 18. The moving picture book shares the conversation between a girl and her grandmother about the residential school system.

Esmé Shapiro read her book Alma and the Beast on Instagram live on March 16.

Vikki VanSickle will be doing a Facebook Live reading from the Tundra Books page at 10:30 a.m. ET on March 18. She will be reading the picture book Teddy Bear of the Year.

On March 15, the Facebook group Ottawa Live Music Streams! was created "to serve as a virtual venue to showcase our region's musical talent," and urged fans to get in contact with live-streaming musicians to tip them for their efforts. The page is constantly updated with both live streams and recorded performances.

Click here to see an updated list of concerts.

The Arkells have been running daily classes from their Instagram account since March 14.

The band posts chords to their songs across their social media accounts ahead of class time.

Then, lead singer Max Kerman follows up with a tutorial on Instagram live, where his new crop of music students can log on, follow along and ask questions.

Started by a teacher from Cambrian College.

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