Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS)

LBS and COVID-19

Resources for Practitioners and Learners

for the Pivot to Remote Learning

Alpha Plus created this temporary site in the early days of COVID-19 as place where we could connect, share resources and deal with the challenges of COVID-19 together. Please contact us for support as you continue to adapt to the evolving circumstances of life, learning and work in a pandemic.

AlphaPlus is not maintaining this site any more. We have moved the Remote Learning Resources for Learners and Practitioners to a new site. Click the button to find our new site.

June 2021


Getting-ready-for-remote-learning-guide - some things to think about as you are getting ready ready to work and learn from home.

Teaching and Learning during a global pandemic

Resources for instructors and program workers who are

  • adapting programming to remote learning

  • integrating digital technology into teaching and learning

  • supporting learners and staff accessing benefits

  • supporting learners and staff adapt to life in a pandemic

  • places to learn independently

  • activities to use as part of a remote or blended learning program