Resource Capacity

"The use and distribution of resources align and support the needs of the system and institutions served. Systems ensure that resources are aligned with its stated purpose and direction and distributed equitably so that the needs of the system are adequately and effectively addressed. The utilization of resources includes support for professional learning for all staff. The system examines the allocation and use of resources to ensure appropriate levels of funding, sustainability, and system effectiveness" AdvancED Performance Standards for School Systems.

Standard 3.1: The system plans and delivers professional learning to improve the learning environment, learner achievement, and the system’s effectiveness.

Standard 3.2: The system’s professional learning structure and expectations promote collaboration and collegiality to improve learner performance and organizational effectiveness.

Standard 3.3: The system provides induction, mentoring, and coaching programs that ensure all staff members have the knowledge and skills to improve student performance and organizational effectiveness.

Standard 3.4: The system attracts and retains qualified personnel who support the system’s purpose and direction.

Standard 3.5: The system integrates digital resources into teaching, learning, and operations to improve professional practice, student performance, and organizational effectiveness.

Standard 3.6: The system provides access to information resources and materials to support the curriculum, programs, and needs of students, staff, and the system.

Standard 3.7: The system demonstrates strategic resource management that includes long-range planning and use of resources in support of the system’s purpose and direction.

Standard 3.8: The system allocates human, material, and fiscal resources in alignment with the system’s identified needs and priorities to improve student performance and organizational effectiveness.