We are readers.

(Use this site to help generate your excitement as you make your reading choices.)

All videos below are pulled from YouTube, and Allen ISD has no control over, nor is responsible for, any suggested videos that appear at the end of each video.

                                                    All texts found on  included links are compiled by outside parties and  Allen ISD  has no control over, nor is responsible for texts listed. 


Do you want digital access to your reading?  Try one of these sources for reading that is just a click away!

Audible - this takes you to part of the Audible site where you can access free audio books for teens. Browse by topic of title. 

Sports Illustrated for Kids - Read about a variety of sports topics

Best News Site for Students - takes you to a site where you can choose different news sites and read current events.

Open Library - free online library to check out books

Riveted - specific for teens. many free titles

Libby - an app that allows you to borrow ebooks from your public library (free)

Sora - check out ebooks from your school library; click on the link and find your school

Bookmate - offers many free books  and a paid subscirption for more variety

Readallcomics - some free issues

A hint to stay hooked:  get started in a series, so your familiarity with the story won't end.  Often, it's hard to pick up a new book and get engrossed in new places, faces, and ideas.  A series lets you continue what you already know.

Click here for a list of series specifically recommended for boys (scroll toward bottom for best part of the blog).

Click here for popular middle school series books.  

Click here for what Bookbub says are the best book series of all time.

Kerry Washington is a reader.

Photo Credit: Kerry Washington's Instagram photo found on Popsugar.com

Becoming a reader is one of the best things you can do to positively impact your life.  

Check out these links below to see how.

What "The Rock" is Reading

Science-backed reasons to read a good book right now

The major intellectual benefits of reading.


Click here for the Goodreads list of best books for middle school readers.

Click here for the 2023 list from Scholastic of the best  middle school books of the year

Click here if you just finished a book and want to know what you should try next.

Click here if you want a lower reading level but you still want young adult content.

Drake is a reader.  

Photo credit:  Dwyer, Ross.  Kicks--1-2,  Word Press, 2014.