Meet the Librarian!

Hello! Welcome to the Library!

Thank you for visiting!

I am the Library Media Specialist, Mrs. Maegan Renick. I have been an educator for fourteen years, all of which I have been blessed to spend here at AC-SHS. I was an English teacher here at the high school for thirteen years, teaching every subject (excepting AP and Dual Credit courses) offered by our department.

This is my second year in the Library Media Center, and I love it! I feel like I am getting paid to have fun. ;) I love making new connections with our students through books, MakerSpaces, and technology. If you have a literature or technology need, please do not hesitate to contact me!

About the Librarian

I am married to my best friend, Robbie, and we live on a family farm in Warren County. We are the proud parents of a busy boy named Clay, and we have one dog and approximately thirty chickens!

In my spare time, I enjoy thrifting, yard saling, antiquing, reading (fiction) and writing (fiction), and drawing and painting.

My favorite books are Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Beauty by Robin McKinley. My favorite movies are Pride and Prejudice, Shag, Crybaby, The Princess Bride, and Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion.

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

“Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.”― Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird