Google Classrooms:

Attendance: ayzvz6b

Weekly Expectations

*All students will need to go to the Google Classroom for attendance and check in. You will be asked to type in your full name, select your homeroom teacher's name and choose which of the hybrid schedules applies to you ("A", "B", 4 days or virtual). You MUST do this daily to be marked present. If you do not check in, you will be marked absent!!

  • *"A" group students will be present during lecture Monday/Tuesday while "B" students will be participating virtually.

  • *"B" group students will present during lecture Thursday/Friday while "A" students will be participating virtually.

  • *Virtual students will be expected to check in on all 4 days.

  • *Wednesdays will be used for working on journals, roots/affixes packets and any other outstanding work that needs to be completed.

  • *On Wednesdays from 12-12:30 pm I will be working virtually with students who need any assistance. Please let me know if you need to set up a Google Meet during that time