The next revolution in IP networking

A fresh new perspective on building software-defined computer and telecom networks using digital twins.

SDN-Twin is a computer system that navigates data flows through bounded switching network areas by combining computing, memory and storage with transmission, switching and buffering in its best way.

Listen to the inventor of SDN-Twin technology and learn about this amazing new concept:

Lecture & Presentation

Tuesday, May 31st 2022 – 17:15 h

"SDN-Twin – Innovative Software-Defined Networking using Digital Twins"


Em. O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harmen R. van As


TU Wien, 1040 Wien, Gußhausstrasse 27, Hörsaal EI 7

Talk to Prof. Dr. van As afterwards while refreshments and snacks are served.

Please register here:

aTinaTwin is a private task force to make the concept and technology of SDN-Twin available to the public.

Responsible for site content | Für den Inhalt verantwortlich:

Prof. Dr. Harmen van As, TU Wien | e-mails (at) atinatwin (.) com

Images by pixabay