
We provide a range of massage therapy modalities including:


Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a technique we often use in massage therapy. IASTM works like a standard massage, but specialized instruments are used in place of a physical therapist’s hands. These instruments allow more direct treatment of the soft tissues involved with movement. The tissues include:

  • Muscles

  • Fascia, connective tissue that surrounds and separates muscles

  • Ligaments, tissue that connects bones to other bones

  • Tendons, tissue that connects muscles to bones

IASTM can involve broad or targeted treatments. The former would be used for large muscle groups, such as an injured back, the latter for an injury to a particular area. By using different tools, angles and pressures, your therapist can focus on a specific layer of soft tissue during treatment.


Neuromuscular massage therapy is a specialized form of manual massage in which digital pressure and friction are used to release areas of strain in a muscle. Strain areas are called tender or trigger points, and they tend to be the cause of ongoing muscular pain symptoms. These trigger points are small areas of the muscle in which there is a contracture of tissue, and the lack of blood and nutrients in that area causes an inability for that muscle to relax. The area is hypersensitive and can cause pain, fatigue, and weakness in the muscle. Trigger points can lead to referral pain, which refers to a phenomenon in which areas far away from the trigger point experience sensations of pain, tingling or numbness. Neuromuscular massage therapy involves applying alternating levels of concentrated pressure to the trigger point – usually using the fingers, knuckles or elbow.


Myofascial release is a type of physical therapy often used to treat myofascial pain syndrome. Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain disorder caused by sensitivity and tightness in your myofascial tissues. These tissues surround and support the muscles throughout your body. The pain usually originates from specific points within your myofascial tissues called “trigger points.”

Myofascial release focuses on reducing pain by easing the tension and tightness in the trigger points. It’s not always easy to understand what trigger point is responsible for the pain. Localizing pain to a specific trigger point is very difficult. For that reason, myofascial release is often used over a broad area of muscle and tissue rather than at single points.

Deep Tissue

Deep tissue as the name applies, refers to the deeper soft tissues within the body including muscles and fascia. A common way that many therapists work with accessing the deeper tissue is to press firmer or harder in order to try and access the deeper tissue or muscles in the body.


Cupping is a type of alternative therapy that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. This suction is used to improve bloodflow and promote healing.

Myoskeletal Techniques

Myoskeletal Alignment is a term developed and coined by Erik Dalton, PhD, in the early 80s after seeing a need for a more integrative perspective on pain science as it applies to the human body. After spending years working as a certified Rolfer® and studying under legendary figures such as Drs. Vladimir Janda and Phillip Greenman, Erik realized a broader approach was needed to better help his clients in pain. Erik’s fascination with Janda’s upper and lower crossed postural model challenged him to design a way to incorporate and teach this basic, but powerful, discovery to the massage and bodywork community. In 1998, the Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques book and video set was released. This very popular MAT home-study course included Dalton’s “Dirty-Dozen” routines for assessing and correcting pain problems associated with Janda’s commonly seen “crossed posture” model. It was then that Myoskeletal Alignment — an integrative marriage of the work of Vladimir Janda, Rolfing, and manipulative osteopathy — was born. The MAT program was developed as a tool to help relieve our nation’s neck/ back pain epidemic. By incorporating muscle-balancing techniques with joint-mobilization maneuvers, manual therapists learn to quickly identify and correct dysfunctional neurologically driven strain patterns before they become pain patterns.


Ashiatsu is a bodywork form that applies therapeutic pressure (through clothing) to promote health and well being. Although "Ashiatsu" literally means foot (ashi) pressure (atsu) in Japanese, ashiatsu techniques also make use of knees, elbows, palms, and fingers where necessary and appropriate. By working with the body, Ashiatsu can heighten total (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) awareness. Treatments typically include stretching, stimulation or sedation of acupressure points/meridians, and structural alignment techniques. The work is effective therapeutically and clients will often feel the work deeply in their muscles, internal organs, and bones.

The Hesch Method

Integrated treatment of patterns of dysfunction throughout the whole body. For over 35 years, Dr. Jerry Hesch, DPT, MHS, PT of the Hesch Institute has treated individuals suffering from acute & chronic pain from hypomobility and hypermobility/instability from sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and dysfunction in joints throughout the body. Over the course of his career, Dr. Jerry Hesch, DPT, MHS, PT has developed a whole body approach to evaluation and treatment of connective tissues and joint dysfunction known as the Hesch Method.

CTB Techniques

Coaching The Body® is highly unique approach to therapeutic bodywork that utilizes techniques from traditional Thai massage as a means of efficiently treating trigger points in muscles and restoring normal motion across joints. Most of us don’t understand pain, but we all experience it. The Western medical system generally sees pain as a sign of something broken that needs fixing—as a manifestation of injury or disease, an inevitable consequence of damaged tissues. This pathology model of pain is both thoroughly inculcated into popular thinking and unfortunately wrong in a high percentage of cases. Even when medical imaging shows departures from “normal” in body tissues, the widespread assumption that those findings are the cause of pain denies the insights of trigger point theory and modern neuroscience, and leads to ineffective treatments, unnecessary interventions, and disturbed, even ruined, lives.

RockTape FMT

Functional Movement Training includes a variety of techniuques to help get you moving better, performing better as an athlete and recovering more quickly from injury or harsh workouts.

Nutritional Therapy Services Include:

Nutritional Therapy is not a typical one size fits all diet or band aid approach to health, it is a deep dive into your unique bioindividual root causes of symptoms which generally range from lack of energy all the way to major illness. Nutritional Therapy combines looking at a properly prepared whole food rich diet and lifestyle habits to find those root causes and help you to feel better. You didn't get these symptoms overnight

HTMA Testing:

HTMA(Hair and Tissue Mineral Analysis) is a safe and non-invasive pathology test. It measures the levels and comparative ratios of nutrient and toxic minerals found in hair. HTMA is one of the most valuable screening tools available in preventative health care. Why test minerals you may ask? Minerals are essential for growth, healing, vitality and wellbeing. They provide structural support in bones and teeth, and they maintain the body’s pH and water balance, nerve activity, muscle contractions, energy production and enzyme reactions. They are the basic ‘spark plugs’ of life.


The NAQ(Nutritional Assessment Questionaire) helps provide valuable insight into a variety of specific individual health symptoms and is the first step to narrowing down root causes of these symptoms.