Student Success Center
Alexander County Schools
Who We Are
The Student Success Center hosts an alternative learning environment in Alexander County. The program functions as a day program that employs blended learning, small group instruction and a supportive atmosphere to support each student’s chance of success. The Student Success Center is a bridge meant to enable students to re-enter their home school and be successful. Transition meetings are held to determine a student’s entry and exit from the center. A district review team will determine a student’s eligibility of both entering and exiting the center.
Our Mission
Our team strives to ensure every student who walks through our doors has the opportunity for a promising and successful future. We do this by providing our students with choices, a positive learning environment that supports their social/emotional and learning needs and equipping them with the tools needed to execute changes in their lives in order to graduate
and succeed in life.
A Note from your Coordinator
Hello SSC Families!
I hope this message find you well as we enter into the month of October and hopefully cooler Fall weather. Its been a great start to the year and I am happy to share our monthly updates and important information with you all. First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated staff for their commitment to our students. They continue to provide a nurturing environment in which students are given the opportunity to learn and make better choices. Our students have demonstrated dedication and determination in their coursework and are engaging in great lessons and activities with their teachers. As we look forward to the coming month, please take note of the important dates at the bottom of our newsletter. Please note the grading period ends on October 20th, students need to make sure they are on pace and passing all courses before we close out the nine weeks. I also want to point out that the Taylorsville Apple Festival is coming up. There will be a station set up with baby pictures of all the principals in the district. I challenge our students to see if they can guess which one is me! I will give you all a hint....I was bald till I was almost three!
Best regards,
Mrs. Amy Johnson
Student Success Center
We are so grateful to have Lieutenant Buddy McKinney in our building! Thank you to the Taylorsville PD and the Town of Taylorsville for partnering up to make sure we have an SRO. Buddy has hit the ground running by working on building relationships with our students and even joined Ms. Mash for a lesson on careers.
Bryson concentrating
I think Breyden is proud of his work!
Ryan making his volcano

Erupting Volcano
Students were learning about the different types of volcanoes in science. They were given the opportunity to make their own and I think they loved it!
Students love working with our counselor, Ms. Mash, on their teamwork skills!
Middle school students studied the scientific method. They then were able to go through the steps to determine what would happen when they put Mentos in a bottle of soda. I think they were surprised by the outcome!
Student Of the Month
Breyden has been such a joy this year! He is keeping up with his work and he is encouraging his classmates to do the same. He has been a peacemaker when there have been disagreements and he has been an encourager when it comes to doing the right thing. Breyden is thoughtful in many ways- he wants to make sure his siblings have what they need or want. When asked to complete a task he doesn't want to particularly do, he may say no, but he typically gets right to work. We are so proud of all the progress he's made!
As we continue on with our theme of resilience this year, here is a great tool staff, students and parents can use in times of distress. I encourage you all to build your own map of resilience. It can be a written list, a treasure map, infographic, vision board or bullet points. Anything that reminds you of self-care strategies when you need them most. It takes only minutes. Just think of the things that make you feel better when you are struggling. Write them down and then refer to them as needed!
Upcoming Dates to Remember
October 9th-13th - National School Lunch Week
Friday, October 20th- End of the grading period
Saturday, October 21st - Taylorsville Apple Festival
Monday, October 23rd- No school for students- Optional Teacher Workday
October 23rd-October 31st - National Red Ribbon Week

Office Hours 7:30am - 4:00pm
School Hours 8:00am - 3:00pm
588 Liledoun Rd
Taylorsville, NC 28681
Phone: 828.632.5101