ACHS Student Council

Welcome to the website of the Alexander Central High School Student Council! This website has many things that we will be using throughout the year, so it is a good idea to bookmark this page. If you are new to student council, welcome to the family! We have a lot of fun and plan a lot of events throughout the year so get ready for an adventure!

About Us

Alexander Central High School Student Council is a group of students who are determined to make AC and our community a better place. We plan major events around the campus and strive to represent the wants of the entire student body. We also attend the North Carolina Association of Student Councils Conventions to gain new ideas, grow in our leadership roles, and represent Alexander Central High School at the state level. Our mission is to be a mediator between the students and staff and make AC a better place.

All students are welcome to apply for membership. During the 2024 - 2025 school year, dues will be $12 which includes a Student Council t-shirt.

If you do not wish to pay in cash or check at the school, you can pay online at: 

K12 Payment Center

To remain a member, students must maintain a GPA of 2.5 and regularly participate in meetings and events. For all guidelines, view the ACHS Student Council Constitution. 

Our '24-'25 Officers