Courses & Content

ACCESS High School Courses Available


ACCESS Middle School Courses Available

Franchise Courses for 2020-21

Franchise Courses will be located in Schoology for the 2020-2021 school year.

Please contact Joan Greene-Fisher for more information.

Franchise Model Gets Makeover

Not only has the number of ACCESS Franchise Model courses expanded, the content will now be housed in the Schoology LMS instead of Moodle. This new makeover will provide continuity for users who will also have access to content for all grade levels through the new ALSDE virtual learning initiative. The look, design, and functions of Schoology will appear very familiar to users who have experience with the Google Classroom platform. One of the best features is that next year (2021-22), graded items in Schoology will automatically sync with PowerSchool SIS to be entered in the grade book for teachers!

All of the high quality, rigorous content of ACCESS courses will be available in the user-friendly LMS of Schoology through the Franchise Model.