We're Trapped...but Blended Learning can Help Us Escape! 

Benefits of Using Blended Learning in the Classroom

Blended learning is a teaching approach that combines online and in-person instruction. It offers a number of benefits for both students and teachers, including:

How the Integration of Technology, Direct Instruction, and Hands-On Activities Can Reach All Students at All Levels of Learning

Blended learning can be used to reach all students at all levels of learning by integrating technology, direct instruction, and hands-on activities.

By integrating technology, direct instruction, and hands-on activities, teachers can create a blended learning environment that meets the needs of all students.

Articles Supporting the Blended Learning Model

Types of Blended Learning Models

There are a variety of blended learning models that can be used in the classroom. Some of the most common models include:

Teachers can choose the blended learning model that is best for their students and their teaching style.

Overall, blended learning is a powerful teaching approach that can help to reach all students at all levels of learning. By integrating technology, direct instruction, and hands-on activities, teachers can create a blended learning environment that meets the needs of all students.