Parent FAQ Guide

What is Schoology, and how does my child log in?

Schoology is the learning management system used by Aldine ISD. Students can login into Schoology by going directly to Clever, logging in and selecting Schoology. Go to the Clever tab to learn how your child can log in.

Where can we find all digital resources?

All district digital resources can be located in Clever. Students must log in to Clever with their District issued login credentials.

How does my child sign in to Clever?

Please go to the Clever tab for more info.

I don’t have a CLEVER badge for my child, how can they access Clever?

Contact your child's teacher for assistance.

How long should I have my child online everyday?

Please use this sample template to create a schedule.

What devices are needed to access the district digital resources?

All district digital resources can be accessed on all mobile devices (Apple or Android smart phones), tablets, iPads, Laptops, Chromebooks or PCs.

We don’t have access to a device at home. Is a device provided for students if needed?

The district is currently working on a plan to distribute a limited number of devices in the event that this emergency event is extended further. More details will be shared later.

We don’t have wifi access at home. What other resources are available? How can my child access these resources without wifi?

The district is working on plans to extend learning opportunities at home that do not require Internet access.

I do not want my student completely online all day. What are your recommendations for students learning while being on and offline?

We recommend that you view the Digital Learning Opportunities document for tips on how your student can be productive and still learn at home.