Training Manual

Training Manual
The “Training Manual: for the employment of vulnerable and marginalised people in the welding sector” represents the result of the implementation of the second Intellectual Output (IO2) of the SMELT project.
The SMELT project - Skilling Marginalised people to Enter the Labour markeT - foresees the execution of three different intellectual outputs - project activities that result in tangible and meaningful outcomes - namely, “Develop Social and Entrepreneurial Skills” (IO1), “VET for all” (IO2) and “ITEM” (IO3).
The first one consisted of the preparation of 150 vulnerable people to face the labour market with a basic knowledge of their rights and possibilities and, to increase their knowledge with regards to job offers, CVs, Job centers, organisations offering employment assistance, etc. While the second, involved the implementation of a training course conceived for vulnerable people living in partners’ communities and aimed at increasing job opportunities and specific skills.
The Training Manual, resulting from the latter, includes basic knowledge on how to look for a job in the welding sector. It also contains the different labour regulatory frameworks of the countries involved in the project namely, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Serbia. In addition, it explores the different steps foreseen when applying for a job (for instance, how to write a CV, or how to manage an interview) and the soft skills needed to succeed in the application process.
Last but not least, the Training Manual contains a specific section on the welding sector specifying the equipment needed, the regulations, the tools used and more.