We are happy to launch the final logo of SMELT project!

The Logo Competition has been closed, thanks to all for the participation!

We loved your proposals and the selection was quite hard, but we finally have chosen a Logo for our project.

The LOGO, together with its creator, comes from Spain, Gijon, the city of our partner Mar Violeta Association.

Let's meet him!

"Hello my name is Enol and I am fifteen years old, I’m studying in my third year of secondary school at Montedeva School.

I live in Gijón, it’s a city in the Region of Asturias, at the seaside in the north of Spain. I’m creative, very curious, sporty and focused on my own things. I have a lot of hobbies but the most important ones are playing football and designing. I don’t care whether it’s logos, racing circuits, or t-shirts.

I decided to enter the SMELT logo contest because I thought it was a very good idea, and also a good way to get my most creative part out. I made my logo using the Desingevo webpage. I decided to use this picture as I was imagining the name of the project soldered by the welder, as the skills the target group of the project will acquire. "


Thanks to Enol for the idea and the contribution, and for supporting the project's partners in defining the LOGO!

Looking forward to meeting you soon!