4th Transnational Partners Meeting of the SMELT project: together to help marginalised people to enter the labour market

On 17&18 October 2022, the partners of the SMELT project – Skilling Marginalised people to Enter the Labour markeT, gathered together in Gijon (Spain) for their fourth Transnational Meeting.

The meeting started highlighting the achievements of the projects and the results obtained so far. The SMELT project aims at facing the paradox of business sectors experiencing workforce shortage and the high number of vulnerable people unemployed, by supporting marginalised people in acquiring and developing key competencies strategical for the labour market.

Currently, the project partners are implementing the Intellectual Output 3, which consists in the creation of an innovative output ITEM that will aim at ameliorating the life of people that are in a difficult situation as they are homeless or live in precarious conditions.

The Intellectual Output 3 is strictly connected with the Intellectual Output 2, which just ended. IO2 was conceived for vulnerable people living in partners’ communities and aimed at increasing job opportunities and specific skills. Called “VET for all – training new welder workers”, during IO2 the participants familiarised in depth with the particularities of the welding sector, and they have been introduced to the requirements and elements for becoming employed in construction/welding industry.

During the next few months, the participants to the training course (IO2), will work together with the employees of the partner companies to create objects necessary for the daily life of people who find themselves living in this uncomfortable condition.

With less than three months missing until the end of the project, the Transnational Meeting finished with a discussion on how to keep the project alive beyond its official deadline. The beautiful landscapes of Gijon served as a framework both to discuss the project itself and to get acquainted with the multicolored Asturian culture.

… Another great moment of implementation for the SMELT project partners!