First face-to-face Transnational Meeting for the SMELT project partners!

On 31 May & 1 June, 2022, the partners of the SMELT project - Skilling Marginalised people to Enter the Labour markeT, gathered together in Nicosia (Cyprus) for their third Transnational Partners Meeting, the first one face-to-face!

After having worked together for almost two years, the first in-person meeting of the SMELT partners represented a great opportunity both to discuss the achievements of the project obtained so far and to get to know each other.

The SMELT project, started back in 2020, aims at facing the paradox of business sectors experiencing workforce shortage and the high number of vulnerable people unemployed, by supporting marginalised people in acquiring and developing key competencies, strategical for the labour market.

The project involved the executionof 3 different Intellectual Outputs - project activities that result in tangible and meaningful outputs - and, during the meeting, the partners discussed the achievements obtained from the implementation of the first Intellectual Output (IO1) titled “Develop social and entrepreneurial skills” which consisted in the preparation of 150 vulnerable people to face the labour market with a basic knowledge of their rights and possibilities and, to increase their knowledge with regards to job offers, CVs, Job centers, organisations offering employment assistance, etc.

The IO1 resulted in the creation of an Easy Handbook, which was also an object of discussion during the meeting.

The gathering ended by establishing the next project goals to be achieved in the following months and by getting acquainted with the interesting Cypriot culture.