Helping Hands Store

Lower grade students receive Helping Hand tickets from teachers and staff for various reasons. Citizenship, helpfulness, courtesy, and more are rewarded and students learn that they are valued and appreciated.

10 Tickets Each

10 Tickets Each

10 Tickets Each

10 Tickets Each

10 Tickets Each

10 Tickets Each

25 Tickets Each

25 Tickets Each

25 Tickets Each

25 Tickets Each

50 Tickets Each

50 Tickets Each

50 Tickets Each

50 Tickets Each

50 Tickets Each

50 Tickets Each

100 Tickets Each

100 Tickets Each (premium notebook comes as a set)

100 Tickets Each

100 Tickets Each (pencils and stickers are one set)

100 Tickets Each

100 Tickets Each

100 Tickets Each

150 Tickets Each

200 Tickets Each