Preschool Schedule

This page will give you a walk through of your preschooler's day. On special days, there may be some adjustments to our schedule. Otherwise, we follow our schedule regularly to establish a routine with our students.

7:50-8:05 Arrive/Free Play

8:05-8:15 Morning Meeting

8:15-8:30 Fine Motor Skills

8:30-8:45 Craft

8:45-9:05 Large Muscle

9:05-9:30 Snack/Choice Time & Group Stretching

9:30-9:40 Circle Time & Show & Tell

9:40-10:00 Discovery Time

10:00-10:15 Large Muscle

10:15-10:45 Station Exploration

10:45-10:50 Departure/Go Home

Arrival/Free Play: when your child first arrives, they’ll be greeted at the door, helped to the classroom, and to wash their hands. This is the perfect time for a hug and kiss goodbye, and for you to go enjoy 3 hours to yourself! During this time, it is a time to explore the preschool, play with friends, read in our literacy corner with a teacher, or engage in independent play.

Morning Meeting: Our Morning Meeting time is designed to review/explain our weekly themes to students, introduce our special person for the day, and sing a few quick songs. 

Small Group Table Time: This time allows students to work within a similar age group to help support the development of their milestones. During this time students partake in various learning activities within their workbooks and fine motor boxes, and focus on enhancing their fine motor skills. 

Craft: Art is an essential part of preschool learning, building both creative and fine motor skills. Each art project is centered around our weekly theme, and helps preschool students to explore various art supplies and varied creative ideas. Some art will come home with your student, some will be kept to display in the classroom.

Large Muscle: We jokingly call this time of the day preschool PE class. However, you’ll never hear of your child having to run laps. This time, emphasis is put on large motor skill development, through fun, high energy activities. 

Snack/Choice Time: Snack is an important time to learn sharing, manners, and to try new foods. Our snacks are healthy, balanced items planned and prepared by our high school teachers. We typically provide an array of fresh fruits and veggies, cheese, hummus, and whole grain snacks. This is also a time for our weekly themes to be explored through food, and we will get to try new foods. We encourage children to try “no thank you” bites, but allow them to self-direct what they will eat from the offered foods, and self-decide when they are finished. After they are finished and have helped clear their dishes, they are free to engage various stimulation centers around the room. Please do not send a snack for your child from home, unless they have a food allergy, which was previously discussed with Mrs. Bender. Planning and preparing healthy, age appropriate foods are part of the high school course requirements, and these are the only foods which will be served during snack time. 

Circle Time: Our primary focus during circle time is building literacy skills. This is a time for the preschool students to share a special item from home. We sing songs with the children, engage in storytelling, book reading, and other interactive activities which tie into our weekly theme.

Discovery Time: Discovery time presents preschoolers with the opportunity to explore their letters and numbers, STEAM activities, shapes and other kindergarten readiness materials. Each week is dedicated to a specific letter, number, shape, and color. Teachers present various methods of instruction, centered around our weekly themes, to help students become familiar with sight recognition, understanding letter sounds, and counting. Because of our student to teacher ratio, students are able to be met on their level, as all children develop at different rates.

Large Muscle: Led by a separate set of preschool teachers. This opportunity provides additional emphasis on large motor skill development.

Station Exploration: (Guided Free Time) During this time, preschool students explore various stations around the preschool classroom. Each station has activities specifically designed by teachers to help guide their free play experiences. 

Departure/Go Home: We ask that preschool students are promptly picked up and depart the building in a timely manner. Mrs. Bender & Mrs. Lien-Bewley has additional responsibilities immediately after the preschool day ends. Should you expect that you will be late in picking up your child, please call as soon as you are aware, and we can make arrangements for your child to wait in the front office of the high school for pick up. 

***Please note, if you are going to be late for pickup, call and let us know. Mrs. Bender & Mrs. Lien-Bewley teaches other courses, so it is crucial for the function of the program that you pick up your child on time.***