Week 2

Day 6

Objective: Listen to bird hunters share stories and expertise, and paint background of bird collage

Materials/Resources: Local hunters, bird stories (see materials section for suggestions), scroll paper, paint

Day 7

Objective: Give and receive feedback. create final draft of bird drawing

Materials/Resources: Original bird drawing, printed bird images, colors, plain white paper, colored pencils, crayons, or markers

Day 8

Objective: Put together seasonal bird collage and prepare for/start VoiceThread recordings

Materials/Resources: Original bird drawing, printed bird images, colors, plain white paper, colored pencils, crayons, or markers, bird collage background and birds

Day 9

Objective: Begin recording images and expertise using VoiceThread on student iPads

Materials/Resources: Student finished final drafts, iPads with VoiceThread app installed


Day 10

Objective: Present artwork and record images and expertise using Voice Thread

Materials/Resources: Student finished final drafts, iPads with VoiceThread app installed, finished bird collage