Ocean Acidification in Alaska:

Chemistry, Clams, Cod, and Crabs

The Ocean Acidification Research Center (OARC) at the Univeristy of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) has been conducting Ocean Acidification (OA) surveys around the state since 2008. We aim to observe the intensity, duration, and extent of OA events.

We present these findings with an interdisciplinary team to apply the chemistry to the biology. Clams, Cod, and Crab are important cultural and commercial fisheries in Alaska. Understaing the effects of OA in various species will lead to greater resilience and adaptation to future change.

Global models indicate OA will advance rapidly: Surface acidification of the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas is projected to occur by 2100.

Southeast Alaska may struggle first: Early onset of sustained acidification occurs earliest in the southeastern Gulf of Alaska.

Record low sea ice in the Arctic: Changes in temperature, stratification, and sea ice alter the once predictable seasonal events, like the spring bloom

Goal to produce OA forecast models for the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea: These models will be designed to provide information key to decision makers and resource managers.

Basket Cockle


Map and Photo from ADFG

Littlenecks and basket cockle: 24-day OA experiment with 2 treatments, ambient, 7.9 pH units, and predicted for year 2100, 7.6 pH units.

Shell dissolution: Littlenecks had more severe dissolution as the experiment progressed in the year 2100 treatment. The basket cockle showed similar results, seen in the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images.

Shell composition: Some mollusks under stress have incorporated different elements besides calcium carbonate into their shells. We used laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) to investigate this for our study species. There were no differences between the treatments for either species at day 24, when the shell growing edge would have been secreted during the experiment.

Negative effects on cod growth: Cod larvae grown under high CO2 conditions had slower grwoth rates during the first two weeks of life, but these fish were able to catch up later.

Negative effects on cod behavior: Changes in the phototaxis behavior of the larvae were observed . Similiar negative effects were seen in larval northern rock sole. In contrast, negative effects of OA on growth in walleye pollock in similarly conducted experiments were not observed.

Negative effects on crab: Red, Blue, and Golden King crab show decreased growth and mortality at various life history stages. Tanner and Snow crab show decreased growth, mortatlity, and calcification. (These findings and conclusions are those of W. Chris Long and do not necessarily represent the views or official position of DOC, NOAA, or NMFS.)


Resilience: Our interdisciplinary work has shown that many key Alaskan fisheries may be impacted by OA, including juvenile and adult Red King Crab, some species of groundfish, and pteropods, an important food source for Alaskan salmon. By contrast, pollock have been found to be more resilient to OA impacts.

Southeast and southwest Alaskan communities are especially vulnerable to ocean acidification: We combined our observing, project, and species response data with demographic data around Alaska to assess the economic and food security vulnerability for communities around Alaska.

Proactive risk management is key: Our work shows that early intervention before the onset of OA impacts is key to sustainability, but can be challenging to implement. We work with our partners to explore options for risk management, from hatchery and fishing strategies to kelp farming.


The OARC is committed to OA research in Alaskan waters through long-term autonomous monitoring and modeling efforts, conducting field observations in highly sensitive areas, and quantifying physiological responses of vulnerable and commercially viable species. We aim to serve the public and private sectors by providing access to OARC-generated data, training students and citizen scientists, and accepting seawater samples to be run at cost. We are thankful to work with a variety of stakeholders and funding agencies. If you are interesting in discussing these findings in more detail, please contact us at oarc@cfos.uaf.edu.

Natalie M. Monacci, nmonacci@alaska.edu

University of Alaska Fairbanks, Ocean Acidification Research Center

Jessica N. Cross, jessica.cross@noaa.gov

NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA

Thomas P. Hurst, thomas.hurst@noaa.gov

NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Newport, OR

Amanda Kelley, alkelley@alaska.edu

University of Alaska Fairbanks, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences

W. Christopher Long, chris.long@noaa.gov

NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Kodiak, AK


T.P. Hurst, L.A. Copeman, S.A. Haines, S.D. Meredith, K. Daniels, K.M. Hubbard, 2019. Elevated CO2 alters behavior, growth, and lipid compostition of Pacific cod larvae. Marine Environmental Research, 145, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.02.004

J.N. Cross, N.M. Monacci, S. Musielewicz, and S. Maenner., 2019. High-resolution ocean and atmosphere pCO2 time-series measurements from mooring M2_164W_57N, https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/ocads/oceans/Moorings/M2_164W_57N.html

J.T. Mathis, S.R. Cooley, N. Lucey, S. Colt, J. Ekstrom, T. Hurst, C. Hauri, W. Evans, J.N. Cross, R.A. Feely, 2015. Ocean Acidification risk assessment for Alaska's fishery sector. Progress in Oceanography, 136, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2014.07.001

J.T. Mathis, J.N. Cross, W. Evans, S.C. Doney, 2015. Ocean Acidification in the surface wateres of the Pacific-Arctic boundary regions. Oceanography, 28, 2, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2015.36.

W.C. Long, K.M. Swiney, and R.J. Foy, 2013.. Effects of ocean acidification on the embryos and larvae of red king crab, Paralithodes camtschaticus. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 69, 1-2, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.01.011