The Nanook Diversity & Action Center and all of its partners acknowledge the Alaska Native nations upon whose unceded traditional lands we are located. The University of Alaska Fairbanks' main campus is located on Troth Yeddha, a sacred site of the Lower Tanana Dene people. We acknowledge and honor the ancestral & present land stewardship and place-based knowledge of the peoples of these territories. To learn more about the indigenous heritage of the land in which you are currently located, we encourage you to begin by clicking on the link below.

NDAC joins the UAF and Fairbanks community in the remembrance and celebrations of LGBTQ+ history in Alaska and across the nation.

We have a variety of events that celebrate art, discuss history, and celebrate LGBTQ+ history and historymakers. To learn more about our events, please check out our schedule below.

*Some events are subject to limited capacity due to COVID-19 Restrictions. Please review the UAF COVID-19

Event Schedule