Welcome to my website!. 

I'm a researcher working in the areas of micrometeorology, planetary boundary layer and Laser Remote Sensing. I teach students about Physics of the PBL, Micrometeorology of complex environments, Microclimates, Laser Remote Sensing and Cloud Physics. Also, recruiting graduate and undergraduate students to work with me in very exciting scientific projects and research is one of my key functions in the UAF department of atmospheric sciences. 

Get in touch with me by email: gjfochesatto@alaska.edu, by twitter: @jfoch123, by Instagram: @foch_javier, by WhatsApp: 19078883673 or call my office: 1-907-474-7602.

Dr. G. Javier Fochesatto

Professor and Chair Department of Atmospheric Sciences. 

Director of the Junior Science and Humanity Symposium Alaska Region

University Senator Representative of the CNSM Faculty

Editor in Chief of the Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology . American Meteorological Society.

NEON Ambassador Program

UCAR/NCAR Member Representative 

UCAR Board of Trustees 

Advisory Editorial Board Review of Scientific Instruments. American Institute of Physics.

1930 Yukon Drive Drive. P.O. Box 755940. Fairbanks, Alaska 99775, USA

Office Room 371 Reichardt Building Natural Sciences Facility. West Ridge UAF Campus

Phone: (907) 474-7602

Fax: (907) 474-5882

High Latitude Micrometeorology, Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Research and Laser Remote Sensing


2000 PhD Physics 

Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique du CNRS. Department of Mechanics, Ecole Polytechnique.

Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI (Sorbonne University) Paris, France.

 1991 Electrical Engineering

Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Specialization in Lasers, Optoelectronics and Control Theory.

Research Areas of Interest

Turbulence in Complex Canopies

Environmental Fluid Mechanics

Micrometeorology: surface-atmosphere interaction, turbulent fluxes of heat, momentum and carbon

Atmospheric Boundary Layer meteorology, dynamic, turbulence and composition.

Applications to surface fluxes in Hydrology, Agricultural Systems, Glaciology, Arctic Tundra and Boreal Forest

Signal Processing and Applied Mathematics

Opto-Mechanics and Optoelectronics

Laser Spectroscopy/Lidar Remote Sensing/ Lidar Engineering

Laser and Microwave Scintillometry

Raman Spectroscopy for Atmospheric Composition

Earth System Models and Environmental Remote Sensing