Angela J. Linn

Museum professional and INDS Ph.D. Graduate from the University of Alaska Fairbanks

I am 2023 graduate of UAF's Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program housed in the Arctic and Northern Studies Program. My research examines the past, present, and future of Alaska's museums and cultural centers. I'm interested in uncovering the hidden stories of some of Alaska's larger institutions, revealing the historical context from which they grew. I highlight both the challenges and unique strengths of our current museums and cultural centers by working with my colleagues from across the state. Finally, forecast directions for future growth and avenues for maintaining and improving our relevance to our communities, in part by examining the relationship between conventional museums and Indigenous cultural centers. 

Academic Interests: Inclusive museology; Alaska Native material culture; Alaska history; democratizing and decolonizing museums

Graduate Committee members: 

Dr. Mary Ehrlander, Co-Director, Arctic and Northern Studies; Professor Emerita of History, UAF (Co-Chair)

Dr. Michael Koskey, Center for Cross-Cultural Studies; Associate Professor of Indigenous Studies, UAF (Co-Chair)

Dr. Terrence Cole, Professor Emeritus of History, UAF

Dr. Aldona Jonaitis, Director Emerita, University of Alaska Museum of the North

Dr. Holly Cusack-McVeigh, Associate Professor of Anthropology & Museum Studies; Public Scholar of Collections and Community Curation, IUPUI