Research projects

Active projects

Collaborative Research: Disentangling runoff- and terminus-driven velocity variations of fast flowing outlet glaciers. NSF-PLR 2234730 [link]

Collaborative Research: Glacier-sediment interactions during onset of tidewater glacier retreat

Funding: NSF-PLR 2051846 [link]

Collaborative Research: GLACIOME: Developing a comprehensive model of the glacier-ocean-mélange system

Funding: NSF-PLR 2025764 [link]

Previous projects

Impact of glacier and fjord dynamics on seal habitat

Funding: NPRB 1905 [link]

Collaborative Research: Impact of subglacial discharge on turbulent plume dynamics and ocean-glacier heat and mass transfer

Funding: NSF-PLR 1504288 [link]

Collaborative Research: Investigating jamming in iceberg-choked fjords with field observations, laboratory experiments, and numerical models

Funding: NSF-CMP 1506307 [link]

Collaborative Research: Representing calving and icebergs in global climate models

Funding: NOAA NA13OAR4310098 [link]

Collaborative Research: Dynamics of subglacial erosion of soft sediments and its consequences for glacier evolution

Funding: NSF-PLR 1303895 [link]