
Empetrum nigrum

Akuvilqaq (Siberian Yupik)Augyaq (Sugpiaq/ Alutiiq), blackberry, berry-girse, crane, crawberry, crawcrookes, crow ling, curlewberry, Deenaałt’aas (Koyukon), deer's grass, dineech'ùh  (Gwich'in ), gigazhna (Dena’ina), Giznaey (Ahtna), Kavlakuaraq (Central Yup’ik), Kingdax̂ (plant)/Kingdam aangsungis (berries) (Unangax̂), lingberry, monnocs-heather, mossberry, Naht’êez (Tanacross), Niłanht’asr (Deg Hit’an), Paungak (Iñupiaq),  she-heather, X̲a skáawaa  (Haida), Xéel’iida (Tlingit) 

Note: this is a work in progress - more links will become active as resources are created

Berries in a Changing Climate

Community member berry species profile; information for everybody

Species Vulnerability Index

Summary of the risk of decreasing fruit production and underlying factors that contribute to this risk

Species Profile 

Scientific summary of berry biology, interactions with other organism, human use and climate threats

Knowledge gaps

Information needs identified by researchers and  community members