90 Day Performance Growth Plan (PGP)

Copy of 90 PGP Template

The Purpose of a 90-Day Plan 

Supporting Student Success: At APS, our ultimate goal is student success. A PIP for an employee, whether a teacher, administrator, or support staff member, aims to address performance concerns that could impact student learning and achievement. By focusing on improvement, we ensure all students have access to the best possible educational experiences.

Open Communication and Collaboration: Just like with students, open communication and collaboration are key for staff. The PIP process in APS emphasizes clear communication of expectations, specific goals for improvement, and ongoing feedback and support. This collaborative approach encourages ownership and facilitates progress.

Professional Development and Growth: APS is committed to fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth for all employees. The PIP, while addressing performance gaps, also serves as a personalized professional development opportunity. Through targeted resources and support, we aim to empower employees to reach their full potential and better serve the APS community.

Fair and Transparent Process: APS values fairness and transparency in all aspects. The PIP ensures a documented and structured process for addressing performance concerns. This framework provides employees with a clear understanding of expectations, timelines, and potential outcomes.

Focus on Retention and Success: While not always successful, the primary goal of a PIP in APS is not termination but positive outcomes. We believe in supporting our employees and providing them with the resources and opportunities to improve. When a PIP leads to successful performance improvement, it strengthens the APS team and ultimately benefits our students.