Mission & Policy

Library Mission Statement

The library at Encinal Junior & Senior High School is committed to five central goals:

The overarching aim is to create life-long learners who are ready to meet the informational challenges of the 21st century.

Collection Development Policy

In choosing materials, our goal is to keep in line with our mission as stated above.  To that end, the materials we choose should fit within the following criteria:

We encourage requests from students and staff, as these recommendations build interest in library materials (and literacy) and ensure that the collection reflects the interests and needs of the learning community. Our process for ordering materials involves establishing a need and reviewing materials from available sources.  Donations are also reviewed for need and condition.  A form to challenge materials is available at the district office.

Damaged, outdated, irrelevant, inaccurate, and/or unused materials will be weeded as recommended by the American Library Association and the California Department of Education.  Weeding will take place throughout the year and will follow criteria outlined by the ALA and the CDE.   Materials will be offered for donation to the school community and then discarded.