Immune Cells & Pluripotent stem cell Research lab

We are a research team to study the role of immune cells in developmental phase and disease progression condition.

We apply manufacturing technologies of immune cells to develop advanced therapies to overcome challenges of intractable diseases. 

We use human pluripotent stem cells and organoid technoloiges as a tool to find better therapeutic approaches.


Research topics

Understanding the fundamental role of macrophages in human organ development 

We use human pluripotent stem cells and organoid-immune cell co-culture technologies to approach this question


Applying pluripotent stem cell derived immune cell to overcome the challenges of combat the incurable diseases

Therapeutic approaches to clean-up the pathogenic molecules with genetically engineered human macrophages 

We need to develop better model to evaluate efficacy & safety of the new therapies 

We will use pluripotent stem cells and organoid assembling tech to develop a better model. 

We will find a new drugs to target intractable diseases