

Published in 2023

[62] Boram Park and Seonjeong Park:
Cohomology of a Real Toric Variety and Shellability of Posets Arising from a Graph,
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 66(4):1044-1084 (arXiv, Published in November).

[61] Eun-Kyung Cho, Ilkyoo Choi, Hyemin Kwon, Boram Park:
A tight bound on the independent domination of cubic graphs without 4-cycles,
Journal of Graph Theory, 104(2):372-386 (arXiv, Published in October).

[60] Eun-Kyung Cho, Ilkyoo Choi, Boram Park:
On independent domination of regular graphs,
Journal of Graph Theory, 103(1):159-170 (arXiv, Published in November ).

[59] Eun-Kyung Cho, Ilkyoo Choi, Hyemin Kwon, Boram Park:
Odd coloring of sparse graphs and planar graphs.
Discrete Mathematics, 346(5),  (2023), 113305 (arXiv, Published in May).     

[58Boram Park:
2-limited dominating broadcast on cubic graphs without induced 4-cycles.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 327(15),  (2023), 178-184  (Published in March).

Published in 2022

    [57] Eun-Kyung Cho, Ilkyoo Choi, Boram Park:
Improvements on Hippchen's Conjecture,
Discrete Mathematics, 345(11), (2022), 113029 (arXiv, Published in November).

[56] Eun-Kyung Cho, Ilkyoo Choi, Ringi Kim, Boram Park, Tingting Shan, Xuding Zhu:
Decomposing planar graphs into graphs with degree constraint,
Journal of Graph Theory, 101(2), (2022), 165-181 (arXiv, Published in October).

Published in 2021

[55] Shinya Fujita, Boram Park:
The optimal proper connection number of a graph with given independence number,
Discrete Optimization, 41,  (2021), 100660 (arXIv, Published in August).

[54] Eun-Kyung Cho, Ilkyoo Choi, Ringi Kim, Boram Park:
The strong clique number of a graph with forbidden cycles,
Journal of Graph Theory, 98, (2021), 326–341  (arXiv, Published in September) .

[53] Shinya Fujita, Henry Liu, Boram Park:
The size of graphs with restricted rainbow 2-connection number,
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, (To the special volume for Gary MacGillivray), 116, (2021), 183-200. (arXiv).

[52] JiSun Huh, Sangwook Kim, Boram Park:
On toric ideals arising from signed graphs,
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 53, (2021), 1265–1298 (arXiv, Published in June).

[51] Eun-Kyung Cho, Ilkyoo Choi, Yiting Jiang, Ringi Kim, Boram Park, Jiayan Yan, Xuding Zhu:
Generalized list colouring of graphs,
Graphs and Combinatorics, 37, (2021), 2121-2127 (arXiv).

[50] Ilkyoo Choi and Boram Park:
On star 5-colorings of sparse graphs,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 294, (2021),  233-252. (arXiv, Published in May).

[49] Shinya Fujita, Boram Park, Tadashi Sakuma:
Stable structure on safe set problems in vertex-weighted graphs,
European Journal of Combinatorics, 91, (2021), 103211 (arXiv, Published online first).

[48] Eun-Kyung Cho, Ilkyoo Choi, Boram Park:
On induced saturation for paths,
European Journal of Combinatorics, 91, (2021), 103204 (arXiv, Published online first).

[47] Eun-Kyung Cho, Ilkyoo choi, Boram Park:
Partitioning planar graphs without 4-cycles and 5-cycles into bounded degree forests,
Discrete Mathematics, 344(1), (2021), 112172 (arXiv, Published in January).

Published in 2020

 [46] (Referred proceeding) Shinya Fujita, Boram Park and Tadashi Sakuma:
Stable Structure on Safe Set Problems in Vertex-weighted Graphs II - Recognition and Complexity,
In: Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 46th International Workshop, WG 2020, Leeds, UK, June 24–26, 2020,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,  12301 (Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series).

[45] Ilkyoo Choi, Ringi Kim, Boram Park:
Maximum k-sum n-free sets of the 2-dimensional integer lattice,
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 27(4), (2020), p4.2 (arXiv, Published in October).

[44] Boram Park Hanchul Park, and Seonjeong Park:
Graph invariants and Betti numbers of real toric manifolds
Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 57(2), (2020), 333-356 (arXiv, Published in Aril).

[43] Ilkyoo Choi, Jinha Kim, Boram Park:
Collapsibility of non-cover complexes of graphs,
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 27(1), (2020), Paper 1.20,8.  (arXiv, Published in January 2020.)

[42] Ilkyoo Choi, Michitaka Furuya, Ringi Kim, Boram Park:
A Ramsey-type theorem for the matching number regarding connected graphs,
Discrete Mathematics, 343(2), (2020), 111648 (arXiv, Published in February 2020).

Published in 2019

[41] Ilkyoo Choi, Ringi Kim, Alexandr Kostochka, Boram Park, Douglas B. West:
Largest 2-regular subgraphs in 3-regular graphs,
Graphs and Combinatorics, 35(4), (2019), 805–813 (arXiv, Published in July 2019).

[40] Sungsik Kang and Boram Park:
On incidence choosability of cubic graphs,
Discrete Mathematics, 342(6), (2019), 1828-1837 (arXiv, Published in June 2019).

[39] Shinya Fujita, Tommy Jensen, Boram Park, Tadashi Sakuma:
On the weighted safe set problem on paths and cycles,
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 37(2),  (2019), 685-701 (Published in February 2019, See arXiv)

[38] Ilkyoo Choi, Ringi Kim, Boram Park:
Characterization of forbidden subgraphs for bounded star chromatic number,
Discrete Mathematics, 342(3), (2019), 635-642 (Published  in March 2018). 

Published in 2018

 [37] Bumtle Kang, Suh-Ryung Kim, Boram Park:        
On the safe sets of Cartesian product of two complete graphs,
Ars Combinatoria, 141, (2018), 243-257 (Published 2018 October).

      [36] Ringi Kim, Seog-Jin Kim, Jie Ma, and Boram Park:
Cycles with two blocks in $k$-chromatic digraphs,
Journal of Graph Theory, 88(4), (2018), 592-605. (Available online since 12 December 2017,  Published 2018 August, See arXiv).

    [35] Seog-Jin Kim and Boram Park:
List 3-dynamic coloring of graphs with small maximum average degree,
Discrete Mathematics, 341(5), (2018), 1406–1418.(Available online since October 31st,  2017, Published 2018 May See arXiv).

Published in 2017

        [34] Suyoung Choi, Boram Park, Hanchul Park:
The Betti numbers of real toric varieties associated to Weyl chambers of type B,
Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, 38(6), (2017), 1213–1222. (See arXiv)

        [33] Suyoung Choi, Boram Park, Seonjeong Park:
Pseudograph and its associated real toric manifold,
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan,  69, (2017), 693-714. (See JMSJ homepage, Published April 2017, See arXiv).

       [32] Youngsub Chun and Boram Park:
A graph theoretic approach to slot allocation problems,
Social Choice and Welfare, 48, (2017), 133-152. (Available online since 13 June 2016, Published January 2017)


Published in 2016

         [31] Rene van den Brink, Youngsub Chun, Yukihiko Funaki and Boram Park:
Consistency, population solidarity, and egalitarian solutions for TU-games,
Theory and Decision, 81, (2016), 427-447. (Available online since 1 March 2016, Published 1 September)

         [30] Youngsub Chun and Boram Park:
The airport problem with capacity constraints,
Review of Economic Design, 20, (2016), 237-253. (Available online since 7 June 2016, Published September 2016)

        [29] Seog-Jin Kim and Boram Park:
Coloring the square of Kneser graph $K(2k+r,k)$,
Graphs and Combinatorics, 32, (2016), 1461-1472. (Available online since 11 December 2015, Published July 2016)

        [28] Seog-Jin Kim and Boram Park:
Coloring the square of graphs whose maximum average degrees are less than 4,
Discrete Mathematics, 339, (2016), 1251-1260.  (Published April 2016, See arXiv)

        [27] Suh-Ryung Kim, Jung Yeun Lee, Boram Park, and Yoshio Sano:
The competition graphs of oriented complete bipartite graphs
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 201, (2016), 182-190. (Available online 24 August 2015, Published March 2016

Published in 2015

        [26] Seog-Jin Kim and Boram Park:
Bipartite graphs whose squares are not chromatic-choosable,
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22, (2015) p.46.  (Published February 2015)

        [25] Seog-Jin Kim and Boram Park:
Counterexamples of List Square Coloring Conjecture,
Journal of Graph Theory, 78 (2015), 239-247.  (Available online since 14 April 2014, Published January 2015)

        [24] Suh-Ryung Kim, Jung Yeun Lee, Boram Park, and Yoshio Sano:
A generalization of Opsut's result on the competition numbers of line graphs,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 181 (2015) 152-159.  (Available online 4 November 2014, Published January 2015)

        [23] Seog-Jin Kim, Young Soo Kwon, and Boram Park:
Chromatic-choosability and power of graphs,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 180 (2015) 120-125. (Available online 28 August 2014, Published January 2015)

Published in 2014

[22] Suh-Ryung Kim, Jung Yeun Lee, Boram Park, and Yoshio Sano:
The competition hypergraphs of doubly partial orders,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 165 (2014) 185-191.  (Available online since 19 June 2012, Published March 2014).

     [21] Seog-Jin Kim and Boram Park:
Improved bounds on the chromatic numbers of the square of Kneser graphs $K(2k+1,k)$,
Discrete Mathematics, 315 (2014) 69-74.
(Available online since 31 October 2013, Published February 2014)

Published in 2013

        [20]  Boram Park  and Yoshio Sano:
The phylogeny graphs of doubly partial orders,
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 33 (2013) 657-664. (Published December 2013)

        [19] Suh-Ryung Kim, Jung Yeun Lee, Boram Park, and Yoshio Sano:
Competitively tight graphs,
Annals of Combinatorics, 17(4) (2013) 733-741. (Available online since 5 October 2013, Published November 2013)

        [18] Boram Park, Suh-Ryung Kim, and Hae Kyung Kim:
On the cores of games arising from integer edge covering functions of graphs.
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization,  26 (2013) 786-798.  (Available online since 11 April 2012, Published November 2013)

        [17] Suh-Ryung Kim, Boram Park, and Yoshio Sano:
The competition number of the complement of a cycle,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161 (2013) 1755-1760. (Available online since 25 November 2011, Published August 2013).

        [16] Woongbae Park, Boram Park, and Suh-Ryung Kim:
A matrix sequence {\Gamma(A^n)}_{n=1} might converge even if the matrix A is not  primitive,
Linear Algebra and its Application, 438 (2013) 2306-2319.
(Available online since 1 December 2012, Published March 2013)

 Published in 2012

        [15] Boram Park and Suh-Ryung Kim:
On Opsut's conjecture for hypercompetition numbers of hypergraphs,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160 (2012) 2286-2293.  (Available online since 15 June 2012, Published October 2012)

        [14] Boram Park and Yoshio Sano:
The competition number of a generalized line graph is at most two,
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 14:2 (2012) 1-20.  (Available online since 16 July 2012, Published July 2012)

        [13] Suh-Ryung Kim, Boram Park, and Yoshio Sano:
The competition numbers of complete multipartite graphs with many partite sets,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160 (2012) 1176-1182. (Available online 9 January 2012, Published May 2012)

        [12] Youngsub Chun and Boram Park:
Population solidarity, population fair-ranking, and the egalitarian value,
International Journal of Game Theory, 41 (2012) 255-270.  (Available online since 19 June 2011, Published April 2012)

        [11] Jeehoon Kang and Suh-Ryung Kim, and Boram Park
A dice rolling game on a set of tori, 
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 19 (2012) p54 . (Available online 9 March 2012, Published March 2012)

        [10] Suh-Ryung Kim, Jung Yeun Lee, Boram Park, and Yoshio Sano:
The competition number of a graph and the dimension of its hole space, 
Applied Mathematics Letters, 25 (2012) 638-642. (Available online since 10 October 2011, Published March 2012)

Published in 2011

        [9] Boram Park and Yoshio Sano:
The competition numbers of ternary Hamming graphs,
Applied Mathematics Letters, 24 (2011) 1608-1613.  (Available online since 15 April 2011, Published September 2011)

        [8] Boram Park and Yoshio Sano:  
The competition numbers of Hamming graphs with diameter at most three,
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 48 (2011) 691-702. (Available online since 23 June 2011, Published July 2011)

        [7] Boram Park and Yoshio Sano:
On the hypercompetition numbers of hypergraphs,
Ars Combinatoria, 100 (2011) 151-159.  (See arXiv:1005.5622, Published July 2011)

        [6] Boram Park, Jung Yeun Lee, and Suh-Ryung Kim:
The $m$-step competition graphs of doubly partial orders,
Applied Mathematics Letters, 24 (2011) 811-816. (Available online since 17 December 2010, Published June 2011)

        [5] Youngsub Chun and Boram Park:
Fair-ranking properties of a core selection and the Shapley value,
International Journal of Economic Theory, 7 (2011) 147-155.
(Available online since 15 February 2011, Published March 2011)

Published in 2010

         [4] Suh-Ryung Kim, Boram Park, and Yoshio Sano:
The competition numbers of Johnson graphs,
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 30 (2010) 449-459. (Published October 2010)

Published in 2009

        [3] Suh-Ryung Kim, Boram Park, and Yoshio Sano:
Cycles and p-competition graphs,
Congressus Numerantium, 196 (2009) 23-30. (See arXiv:0905.3942, Published December 2009)

        [2] Suh-Ryung Kim, Jung Yeun Lee, Boram Park, Won Jin Park, and Yoshio Sano: 
The niche graphs of doubly partial orders,
Congressus Numerantium, 195 (2009) 19-32. (See arXiv:0905.3954, Published December 2009)

        [1] Boram Park, Suh-Ryung Kim, and Yoshio Sano:
The competition numbers of complete multipartite graphs and mutually orthogonal Latin squares,
Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 6464-6469. (Available online since 11 July 2009, Published December 2009)