Term 1 Blog posts

Class Learning Updates

Please see this page for updates on the latest learning that has been happening in our Year 3 classrooms!

WEEK 7&8

These last 2 weeks have been very busy for us in the grade 3 community. We have worked conscientiously to complete all four of the NAPLAN tests and have now began working on our new topic areas.


We have started a new literacy area of study on personal narrative. We have enjoyed exploring our own personal experiences to write our personal narrative and are looking forward to publishing our finished copies. In numeracy lessons we have continued to develop our knowledge of place value through engaging game-based activities as well as practiced creating 3D objects and their nets using hands-on materials such as toothpicks, and Geofix.

On Harmony Day, we dedicated our efforts to our CBL community project, working together on the completion of the community quilt. This achievement was guided by our previous collective investigating sessions, where we delved into the exploration of significance of symbols representing our diverse cultures and backgrounds. With the active participation of our parents, we brought our design brief to life, uniting our community in this meaningful endeavour.

3D objects

Construction of 3D objects by the use of different tools (toothpicks, Geofix).

Compare & Contrast

Using the Venn Diagram to compare and contrast Personal Narratives and Narratives

Maths problem-solving 

Work in groups to figure out the solution through active discussion.

Harmony Day

Discovering and sharing what Harmony means to us 

Personal & Social learning

Learning to recognize personal strength and value other's strength.

Year 3 sports

Playing sports with different Year 3 classes (Rob the nest, Number soccer, and Gaga pit)

😃Harmony Day celebration🎉

WEEK 5&6

Over the past two weeks in our Grade 3 community we have been working through our NAPLAN test taking unit. We have been familiarising ourselves with different NAPLAN style questions in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy. 

We've continued to deepen our understanding of communities in our CBL lessons and have enjoyed exploring our own cultures, traditions and beliefs as well as comparing and contrasting these with others in our class. We are looking forward to sharing our experiences of community and culture during our Harmony Day celebrations on Thursday the 28th of March. Families will be invited into our classrooms in session 5 to join us in creating an art representation of our communities. Grade 3 have also been exploring different outdoor sports and games in Grade 3 sports sessions. We have been practicing different sporting skills and strategies and learning to work as a team to achieve a common goal.

*Please remember to look at the Calendar in Compass for any upcoming events!

March 21st

March 27th  

Learning place value by the use of concrete materials Abacus 

Learning place value through
Wishball game play

Problem Solving
Working collaboratively in solving a place value problem

Renaming numbers through the use of number expander

Highlighting emotive language for persuasive writing

Identify the genre of the text and highlighting keywords

Think, Feel, Wonder
Brainstorming ideas for writing

Year 3 Sports
Rob the nests

WEEK 3&4

Over the past two weeks in our Grade 3 community, we've been busy wrapping up our Learning to Learn program in Week 3. Students immersed themselves in understanding and demonstrating our school's core values and classroom expectations. As they settled into their new classroom routines, a sense of camaraderie and responsibility flourished among them.

Transitioning into Week 4, our focus shifted towards literacy and numeracy in preparation for the upcoming NAPLAN test in Week 7. Alongside these essential skills, we've embarked on our Community-Based Learning (CBL) journey, delving into the theme of Community for the term. It's been inspiring to see students engage with real-world concepts, fostering curiosity and critical thinking. Additionally, clarity on homework expectations has been established, empowering students to take ownership of their learning beyond the classroom walls. As we continue this enriching journey, we're excited to witness the growth and exploration that lies ahead.

Work on Writer's notebook, increasing word collections for writing.

Show understanding in Place Value and represent number using MAB blocks.

Learning about the value of each digit in place value chart.

Use the Problem Solving Toolkit to solve a Problem Solving question.

5 senses writing

Exploration of nature using 5 senses.

CBL exploring provocations about Community.

Year 3 Sports on every Thursday brings together students from various classrooms to engage in spirited athletic activities, fostering teamwork.

WEEK 1&2

swpbs & cwpbs

We are learning to understand our school values and classroom expectations.

🎉Welcome back for 2024!🎉

Over the past two weeks, we've been diving into our Learning to Learn program, it's been nothing short of fantastic! This special program is all about helping our students settle into the classroom, establishing those super-strong learning habits, and nurturing those positive mindsets that will help them conquer any challenge that comes their way. 💪💡

We've also been exploring the ins and outs of our lesson structures and delving into the core values that make our school community so special. From kindness to perseverance, we're learning how to embody these values each and every day, both inside and outside the classroom. 🌟


We are learning to understand the Child Safe Standards to be safe in our school environment.

Problem solving

We are learning to set up positive mindsets through collaborative Maths game within our numeracy lessons. 

Zones of regulation

We are learning about the Zones of Regulation. This model assists us to identify what we are feeling and helps us choose strategies to regulate our emotions