Monday, October 2nd

6:00-7:00 am Movement & Mindfulness Yoga

Presenter: Jeanne’ Aken

Level: All

Room: Foyer of Conference Center near Registration

We've set aside space just for you! Learn and practice a few simple movements and techniques

that can help you or your students create mental clarity and calmness, increase body awareness,

relieve stress, relax the mind, center attention, and sharpen concentration. Please bring your own

mat, small blanket, or towel. (This general session does count for 1 PDH)

8:15-9:45 am Welcome & General Session Speaker

Fair Use for Library Educators 

Presenter: Sara Rachel Benson - Copyright at U of I 

Level: All

Room: Illinois Ballroom

Fair use is a powerful tool, but many librarians and educators are unaware of how to use it. In this welcome address, Sara Benson will highlight some examples of how fair use operates to enhance K-12 learning both in the library and throughout the school.

10:00-11:00 am General Session with Heartland, RAILS, and CPS 

Presenters: Representatives from Heartland, RAILS, and CPS

Level: All

Heartland: Illinois Ballroom

RAILS: Lincoln

CPS: Alma Mater

Partnership is the theme of our conference this year and we want to bring awareness to all the wonderful partners we have to utilize. Our Illinois library systems are excited to share how they can work with us and  grow our partnerships. This session will be divided into three rooms based on the system members. Please attend the session for the system for which you are a part. If you are not sure which system to attend, please don’t hesitate to ask!

12:00-1:30 pm Readers’ Choice Author Award Luncheon and General Session with Kelly Jensen 

Better Together: Supporting Intellectual Freedom Is a Team Effort 

Presenter: Kelly Jensen

Level: All

Room: Illinois Ballroom

Enjoy the company of Illinois authors and guest speaker Kelly Jensen. “Neutrality Is NOT An Option: The State of Book Bans and the Library in 2023” Coordinated book banning efforts have been underway for nearly 2 years, and each week brings with it new tactics from the censors to accomplish their work. This presentation will look at how these groups are organizing, the tools they’re using, and what potential next targets may be. The presentation will include how to respond to these challenges, how book bans are contributing to trauma in library workers, and ways to counter the mental health impact of the cultural assault on library workers and educators.

1:45-2:45 pm Sessions 

3:00-4:00 pm Sessions 

4:00-5:00 pm Poster Sessions

Heritage Hall                                                                

Poster Titles:

5:00-6:00 pm Receptions

President's, Dominican University, and iSchool Celebration of 130 Years!

Presidents - Lincoln

Dominican University - Alma Mater

University of Illinois - Illinois Ballroom B & C

6:00-8:00 pm Partnership Dinner with R. David Lankes

Clear, Consistent, Inclusive, and Transparent

Level: All

Presenter: R. David Lankes 

Room: Ballroom A

School librarians facilitate learning. They build on the interests of students in inquiry based learning. They fill the largest classroom in the school with tools rallied around a curriculum of information literacy and problem solving. In order to do this, school librarians must forge strong partnerships with not only teachers and administration, but parents, and increasingly, community organizations. In a time of increasing challenges to the expertise of librarians, to the materials collected, and the role of the community in the process, school librarians must have strong community development skills. Lankes will talk about building trust, standing ground, and advocating for better partnerships.

(Professional Development Available)