Banned Books Week 2022

September 18-24, 2022

ALA's Banned Books Week theme for 2022 is "Books Unite Us. Censorship Divides Us." Click the photo to be taken to their Press Kit, which includes images, infographics, and resources to celebrate this important week.

Get Social with Us!

We want to feature the amazing work you're doing in your library on the Intellectual Freedom Resource Center homepage. When posting on social media during Banned Books Week, be sure to use the hashtags #aisledBBW and #aisledIF !

Other Helpful Links

ALA's Banned and Challenged Books

Part of the Office of Intellectual Freedom, this site includes more graphics, resources, and articles.

Banned Books Week Coalition

Another ALA/OIF site with resources. This year's honorary chair is George M. Johnson!

Amnesty International

As a member of the BBW Coalition, Amnesty International hopes to free authors and artists imprisoned around the world for their work.