social emotional learning (sel) at aisl / counselor's corner

Transitions and 'Rafts...'

As we wrap up a year unlike any other, there is still importance and significance to maintaining our routines and the habits that help us thrive. At schools like AISL, the end of the academic year inevitably means that students, families, and faculty will leave and move on to other jobs, countries, schools and communities. Though it may seem trite, after a year of constantly trying to find ways to cope and adapt, it is important too, to recognize this transition as important. In international schools, one common way to speak about these changes is the RAFT model, which is delineated below. While every individual and family will transition with different priorities and in different timetables, considering these steps can often help us navigate our paths forward.

R: Reconciliation. Take time to make peace with those people or groups that you may have had conflict with, or against whom you still bear negative feelings. Anger, regret, frustration, need not follow you. Take time to forgive, and ask forgiveness.

A: Affirmation. The inverse of Reconciliation; take time to intentionally and explicitly thank those who have been important to you, who have helped you. Affirm the importance your relationship has had and allow yourself to experience that gratitude as well.

F: Farewell. Be sure to actually say some form of “goodbye” or “see ya later!” rather than just “vanish,” in the night. Change is often hard, and not allowing ourselves and the folk who care about us to have that moment to acknowledge one another can make things more difficult. It is often easy to ignore or avoid this step in an age of FaceTime/Zoom/Skype etc. Say goodbye anyway.

T: Think Destination! Get excited about your next location. Do some research about the city/town, the culture, restaurants, museums, outdoor activities (or online book clubs, and socials, if still in lockdown). Leaving one place necessarily means entering a new space. This is one of the greatest privileges we have as expats and global nomads; to experience the world and all that is in it.

Best of luck to all who are departing AISL this year. Stay well :)

The Counseling Team