Service Learning


Kiva is a micro loan platform that allows students to select who they want to help, they get to read about the person's story, and lend money to them. Once that person repays the loan, it can be repurposed to help another person. So the funds are recycled. Very powerful.

Free Rice

Do your students ever complain about having to do another math problem? Well, give them the incentive of actually feeding the needy by learning. For every problem a student does, rice is gained which is then donated to a NPO. It doesn't have to be math, there are lots of subjects to choose from.

Service Learning Ideas

Stuck on what you should do for your next service learning project? Check the list for tons of ideas of ways you can help!


BeanBeanBean, could also be written as FreeBean. Why? It's the same exact idea as FreeRice just with beans. Animation when you get a question correct is cooler too.