Presentation Tools

Google Slides

This is the primary presentation tool at AISL. You and your students should be using this already. It's basic but it has excellent collaboration opportunities.


Prezi is a fun alternative to Google Slides. It highlights Point of View (PoV) technology to zoom in or out of a larger image as you move through presentation.


Padlet is a tool that is multifaceted. The basic feature showcases a board that users can type in responses to that appear anonymously (brainstorming). It has grown to allow for more options, it also has some cool decor. A staple tool.


Nearpod is probably my favorite tech tool on the market just because it is so robust and allows you to do so much in this one app. From slides, to padlets, to 3D VR field trips, Nearpod is a one stop shop for presenting and interacting with your audiences.


Kahoot is a fun and interactive tool that is more of an audience engager than true presenter. Essentially the audience member enters a code generated by Kahoot and they can participate in the discussion by answering questions pre set by the presenter. It also keeps a score which adds a fun competitive element. This is a great formative assessment tool.


Powtoon is a freemium software that allows for teachers and students alike to create some pretty cool presentations. It is highlighted by animated customizable characters that give your presentation an animated feel. The transitions are clean and you can add movie files as backgrounds while is fun.


Similar to Prezi, Emaze uses point of view transitions and movement to captivate the audience. One of the true strengths of Emaze is the variety of creative templates.


Vidra is a voice over super easy presentation maker. Think one class to present an idea type of a thing. It also will let you upload straight to Youtube which is great for students and teachers alike when wanting to present. Extremely user friendly so tutorial not really needed. It's a grab and go model. The only downside is that it is $7USD so you have to really use it for it to be worthwhile. However, if you do, it could change your class. Worth taking a look at for sure.

Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is a cool tool that engages audiences by having them answer questions as you are delivering content. The answers can be entered via cell phone, iPad, or computer. This can be a formative assessment tool or used for brainstorming by using the open ended question option. A powerful element of Poll Everywhere is the instant feedback projection. When brainstorming, ask the open ended question or topic and project the answers that people enter on their device in real time.


Think Kahoot without a device! Plickers is another way to formatively assess your students during a lecture or afterwards. Students do not need a mobile device, but the instructor will. Students are given unique cards that you print out. When you ask a question, they hold up the cards and using the Plicker app through your camera, you can collect all of the student's answers and gives you immediate feedback.


Do you need to present something, but are stage fright? Maybe you want to spice up the way you present a lesson as a teacher. What if it's virtual day, how can you make your presentations more engaging? With Voki you can. Voki is an avatar creation software that allows for you to present material using an animated character that you design. Students will love the interactive experience and building their own avatar. You will love the flexibility it brings to your classroom. Check it out, there are free and paid versions of Voki.


Tellagami is very much like Voki. Essentially you create an avatar and that virtual you, can then present information. You can either record your voice or have the computer generate the sound. This would be a really great virtual day tool for either student or staff. It is worth a look.

Not impressed with the presentation tools we listed above.. no worries! Here are 20 more alternatives to choose from.