Google Ad Ons


Kami is a PDF editor that is free with extra add ons you can pay for like audio annotations, etc. This is an excellent substitute for Adobe especially at the price point. Having this connected to your Drive is another bonus which makes things easy. It's a must have.


Nearpod is a great software for presenting content and for getting immediate feedback during a lesson. There are a ton of interactive features and the blend with Google Slides is great. It makes creating lessons really easy between the two softwares.


Doctopus is a software that allows for you to distribute many copies of the same document to a group of people within your Google network. It integrates very well with Google Classroom and I use it for tracking data.

Mail Merge

Need to send lots of the same email to a group of people with individualized information in it like a username etc.? Mail merge is what you need. Check it out.


You may have seen the Youtube advertisements for this, but it really is a great tool. It catches a bunch of mistakes and for the most part it's free.

Email Tracking

How satisfying is it when you send a message on WhatsApp and you can see when someone has read your message? Well.. this is the same thing, only for emails.

Picture in Picture

Do you like to multitask? Maybe you just want to be able to watch a tutorial while actually doing it in real time. Picture in picture allows for you to do this.

Internet Speed Test

Slow internet? Get the Ookla Speed Test add-on so you can check your speeds in a jiffy.

Insert Learning

This Addon allows you to annotate and create assessments from any website. Just install this into the browser and get to work. Then give your kids the assessment.